Invisible Wattson fences bamboozling players in Apex Legends Season 14

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends wattson electric fence

Wattson has been through a pretty rough time in Apex Legends, as it seems every seasonal update brings a new bug or problem for the character, as players discover invisible fences.

Despite Wattson receiving a secret buff in the Apex Legends Season 14 update, there’s yet another issue with the character, as players are being destroyed by invisible electrical fences.

Wattson’s electric fences are pretty much the main tool in her kit and can be extremely effective defensively if used correctly. Her fences can often deter a team from pushing and slow the fight down, as players will be hesitant to enter an are if it’s fenced up.

Having said that, if players notice a gap in the fences are a spot that Wattson has seemingly missed, they often take that as an opportunity to get aggressive.

This is exactly what Redditor IcySpinach was going for, but was stopped in his tracks by an “invisible fence.” The player posted a clip of the incident, which occurred on Kings Canyon POI Market.

The player runs into Market, believing it is safe as there is no Wattson fence in sight, but is then stunned and killed by the Defensive Legend inside. The player says “how did the fence hit me? What! No way dude…that fence was not there.”

As the player runs into the building, a Wattson fence can be seen to the right of the entrance, but not in the player’s path. This is leading to the community believing that this is a “new bug,” but are unsure as to how it has occurred.

Some suggest that it could be to do with the Rampart walls that are in the doorway, but it’s very unclear. Some even say the bug is “old,” and that it has been around even before Rampart was even released, terrorising pro player tournaments:

“This bug is probably as old as Wattson tbh. Pretty sure it even happened to a pro team during the Krakow invitational back in 2019.”

Regardless, this is clearly a bug that is runing player matches and needs to be fixed as soon as possible, similarly to how the missing rewards bug was quickly resolved.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment