How to use Apex Legends Dual Shell hop-up in Season 11

Hamza Khalid
Mastiff in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Season 11 will add a new hop-up attachment known as the Dual Shell that you can equip on two weapons. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use this hop-up.

Apex Legends Season 11 is set to go live on November 2, bringing a brand-new map, a classic Titanfall SMG, and all-new Legend Ash. The new update will also bring a neat hop-up attachment.

Hop-ups can be attached to a few select weapons, improving their capabilities. The newest addition in Season 11 is the Dual Shell hop-up and it can be used by two different weapons.

Here’s everything you need to know about this new hop-up.

How to use the Apex Legends Dual Shell hop-up

Dual Shell hop-up in Apex Legends

Once you jump into a game of Apex Legends during Season 11, the Dual Shell will be available as a purple tier hop-up that you can collect from loot bins or care packages on the map.

After you’ve acquired it, simply attach the hop-up to the designated weapon and it will take effect when you use it in combat. Now, you will load two shells instead of one when reloading your weapon.

This cuts your reload time in half, letting you take out enemies much quickly and leaving you vulnerable for shorter amounts of time. Needless to say, this is a valuable boost to give your weapon.

Dual Shell weapons in Apex Legends

30-30 Repeater in Apex Legends

Hop-up attachments don’t work with every weapon, and you need to equip them with the right gun to make use of them. The Dual Shell can only be attached to the 30-30 Repeater and the Mastiff shotgun.

Both of these weapons load by inserting one new round at a time, but this new hop-up lets them insert two rounds instead. This increase in the ammo count serves as a useful buff to both weapons.

The Dual Shell will become available at the start of Season 11, and you also try picking it up by heading to the Firing Range. This will give you a chance to practice with the weapon before the match.

For more Apex Legends, check out all of the Wildlife coming with the new Storm Point map and the Season 11 weapon buffs and nerfs.

Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment