Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: All friendship evolutions

Joaquín Frere
Cleffa and Clefairy in Pokemon Scarlet.

Pokemon has many evolution methods besides going up levels, and one of them is friendship evolution. How does that work? Here’s all you need to know.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players will need to learn about the special evolution methods if they want to complete their Paldean Pokedex. Not all species evolve by reaching a certain level, as some need to learn moves or even be as friendlier as possible with their trainer.

So, here’s all you need to know about Pokemon evolved by friendship in the Scarlet and Violet games.

All Pokemon evolved by friendship in Scarlet & Violet

Here are all the Pokemon that evolve with friendship in Scarlet and Violet, including any extra steps in their evolution methods:

  • Pichu: Evolves to Pikachu by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Cleffa: Evolves to Clefairy by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Igglybuff: Evolves to Jigglypuff by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Eevee: Evolves to Espeon by leveling up during the day with a high friendship. If leveled up during the night, it evolves into Umbreon. If Eevee knows a Fairy-type move, regardless of the time of day it will evolve into Sylveon.
  • Chansey: Evolves to Blissey by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Azurril: Evolves to Marill by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Chingling: Evolves into Chimecho by leveling up with a high friendship during the night.
  • Munchlax: Evolves into Snorlax by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Riolu: Evolves into Lucario by leveling up with a high friendship during the day.
  • Swadloon: Evolves into Leavanny by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Alolan Meowth: Evolves into Alolan Persian by leveling up with a high friendship.
  • Snom: Evolves into Frosmoth by leveling up with a high friendship during the night.

How to raise friendship in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

In Scarlet and Violet, players can raise their Pokemon friendship by taking part in these activities:

  • Prepare sandwiches during picnics for your Pokemon.
  • Battle with the Pokemon as much as you can.
  • Give the Soothe Bell Held Item to raise the friendship level faster while battling.
  • Use the Pokemon Wash feature on your creature.

The best way to raise friendship fast is by creating picnics, where preparing food for your Pokemon will raise their friendship levels and affinity towards you.

And that’s all you need to know about Pokemon evolved by friendship in Scarlet & Violet! For more content on the game, be sure to check out the following:

Roaring Moon weaknesses, resistances & strengths explained | Kingambit weaknesses, resistances & strengths explained in Pokemon | Gyarados weaknesses, resistances & strengths explained in Pokemon | All Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Shiny Sandwich recipes | How to connect Pokemon Scarlet & Violet to Pokemon Home | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift codes for free items

About The Author

Joaquín is a new Senior Writer for Charlie Intel with years of experience on games journalism. Focusing on all things JRPGs and a videogame developer at heart. Graduated from Game-Dev School and Public Relations, his current work is Charlie Intel and Infobae for LATAM. You can contact Joaquín at [email protected]