Lucky Pokemon Go player auto-catches hardest Pokemon with Go+ Plus

Lucas Simons
Pokemon Go Plus+ Plus Showcase

A Pokemon Go player has managed to accomplish one of the rarest catches in the entire game, without breaking a sweat. They did it while using a Pokemon Go+ Plus auto-catcher, and they are still in shock about their luck.

Pokemon Go players have plenty of chances to catch rare Pokemon with the Adventures Abound season in full swing, and the upcoming Harvest Festival event right around the corner. But one player is in shock after catching one of the rarest Pokemon in the game, using the auto-catch feature of the Pokemon Go+ Plus.

The Galarian Legendary Birds are the only Legendary Pokemon that have a regional form. Meaning, Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are some of the rarest Pokemon in the game.

Now, a player has shared their incredibly lucky feat of catching Galarian Zapdos, using a simple Poke Ball, and with the auto-catch button of the Pokemon Go+ Plus.

This incredibly lucky trainer TamTamaa took to Reddit to showcase their achievement, and other trainers quickly reacted to their triumph. One Reddit user commented: “Lucky you. I haven’t even seen any of the birds since the Daily Incense was added.” While others responded: “I saw one…once…”

TamTamaa explained that it was a 0 Star Galarian Zapdos: “It’s 0* but no complaints lol.” They also explained that they used the auto-catch feature of Pokemon Go+ Plus while riding a car and activating the Daily Incense, which is the only way to make the Galarian Birds spawn.

Another player answered: “Oh interesting I never thought of using incense and go++ while driving home.” Interestingly enough, another player claimed they used the same technique: “This is my entire strategy for getting the incense birds. I’ve missed about half a dozen of each that I’ve tried to catch manually so one day I know I’ll open my box and will have an insane surprise.”

If you are trying to replicate this player’s lucky shot, please take the appropriate security measures, and don’t drive while playing Pokemon Go.

Here’s a full guide with all the Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go, including the Galarian Birds. Or you can check out how to pair the Pokemon Go+ Plus with Pokemon Go and Pokemon Sleep, to take advantage of its many features.

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About The Author

Lucas is a Games Writer for CharlieIntel, specializing in covering Pokemon, including Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Pokemon Go, and Pokemon TCG. A former Game Reviewer and PR Liaison for HD Tecnologia (ARG), Lucas is also an Audiovisual Media Producer, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, and author, having published several books including Press Start, a guide to video game writing and world building. You can contact him at [email protected].