How to earn XP fast in Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer is finally here for players to grind. For those looking to level up and gain XP fast, we have the perfect guide.
With Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer officially here for players to enjoy, there is loads of new content that fans of the franchise might not be too familiar with.
One of these new features is the Halo Infinite Season 1 battle pass, which brings an abundance of rewards. There’s a lot to get through, and those who haven’t had experience with a battle pass before may be confused.
With 100 levels to get through, here’s how you can earn XP fast in Halo Infinite.
How to earn XP fast in Halo Infinite Season 1
XP Boosts and XP Grants

First off, the Battle Pass features XP Boost consumables. These will give you an increase in the percentage of XP you gain over a certain amount of time. Usually, it is double XP for 30 mins.
- Read more: Best PC settings for Halo Infinite Season 1
There are also XP Grants, which are another type of consumable players unlock through tiers in the battle pass. These will give you a certain amount of XP upon use.
To use these consumables, players will have to do the following:
- From the main menu, open the Battle Pass menu by pressing R on a keyboard or Y on an Xbox Controller.
- Within the Battle Pass menu, open the Boosts menu by pressing R on a keyboard or Y on an Xbox Controller.
- Select “Double XP Boost” or “XP Grant” and confirm your choice.
Weekly and Daily Challenges

Probably the best way to rank up fast in Halo Infinite is through completing the weekly and daily challenges. Halo Infinite sets players three weekly challenges. Having said that, if players purchase the Premium battle pass, they will get an extra fourth slot.
The challenges vary from “Kill enemy Spartans in Slayer” to “Complete a Total Control Match.” These challenges will increase in difficulty through three tiers.
You have 7 days to complete these challenges, and once all of them are complete, you will get an “Ultimate Challenge” known as a Capstone Challenge. An example of a Capstone Challenge is to kill 15 enemy Spartans with a headshot in PVP.
This will net you a bunch of XP through the week, and if you’re also completing the daily challenges each day you hop on, you’ll storm through the battle pass.
These are the best ways to do it, as in the new battle pass rank system for Halo, simply playing the game won’t bag you XP. For more on Halo Infinite, check out our piece on next week’s in-game event.
Image Credits & Source: 343 Industries / Halo Support