Where to find Pam in Stardew Valley: Gifts, schedule & can you marry her?

Pam is one of Stardew Valley’s more complex characters who lives with her daughter Penny in a trailer in Pelican Town. Here are all the best gifts to give her, where to find her, and if you can marry her.
Most of Stardew Valley’s characters have a backstory to them, and Pam’s is a little sadder than most. Until you unlock the bus that goes to Calico Desert, she doesn’t do much besides sit at home and go to the Stardrop Saloon.
She has a good heart, though, and she can be one of your friends in Stardew Valley. So, here are all the best gifts to give her, where you can find her, and if you can marry her.
- Where to find Pam in Stardew Valley
- Can you marry Pam in Stardew Valley?
- Best gifts for Pam in Stardew Valley
- Pam’s heart events in Stardew Valley
Where to find Pam in Stardew Valley
Before the bus is restored in Stardew Valley, Pam can be found frequenting the JojaMart, her trailer, and the Stardrop Saloon. After the bus has been restored, she becomes the new bus driver.

Pam was the driver of the bus before it broke down. Since then, and before you are able to fix the bus, Pam tends to spend most of her time shopping and hanging out at the Stardrop Saloon.
Her daughter is Penny, and a lot of her heart events give you insight into what her life is like because she lost her job. Getting the bus working again makes her quite happy, and both her and Penny’s lives tend to get better as a result.
Pam’s schedule
Just like other NPC’s in the Valley, Pam has a specific schedule she follows depending on the day and if you’ve restored the bus.
Spring 25
Time | Location |
8:00 AM – 11:30 AM | In her trailer. |
11:30 AM – 4:00 PM | Goes to the Clinic and gets her annual check up. |
4:00 PM – 12:00 AM | At the Stardrop Saloon. |
Green Rain
Time | Location |
All day | In the Stardrop Saloon. |
Regular Schedule (bus not restored)
Time | Location |
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM | In her trailer. |
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Leaves her trailer and goes to JojaMart. |
4:00 PM – 12:00 AM | Goes to the Stardrop Saloon. |
Regular Schedule (bus restored)
Time | Location |
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM | Travels from her trailer to the Bus Stop. |
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Stands in front of the bus. |
5:00 PM – 12:00 AM | Leaves the Bus Stop and heads to Stardrop Saloon. |
How to repair the bus
You can repair the bus by completing the Vault bundles in the Community Center or buying the Joja Community Development Form.
There are four bundles in the Vault to complete, and you need 2,500, 5,000, 10,000, and 25,000 gold (for a total of 42,500 gold) to repair the bus. You can also buy it once off for 40,000 gold if you went with the Joja Community Development route.
Can you marry Pam in Stardew Valley?
No, Pam is not one of the NPCs you can marry in Stardew Valley.

Barring any mods that let you marry her, Pam is not someone you can marry in the base game. However, you can help her build a house.
After completing the Community Center, you will get access to Community Upgrades when visiting Robin’s shop. Here, you can help Pam out by building her a house and letting her and Penny finally move out of their trailer.
It will cost you 500,000 gold and 950 wood. Robin will take three days to build it, and once its done, you have the choice to tell Pam whether or not you were behind sponsoring the upgrade. Whichever option you choose will award you four full friendship hearts with Pam.
Best gifts for Pam in Stardew Valley
Pam’s favorite gifts in Stardew Valley include Pale Ale, Beer, Cactus Fruit, Glazed Yams, Parsnips, and Mead.
Here is a full list of all the gifts Pam loves and hates:
- Loves: All Universal loves, Beer, Cactus Fruit, Glazed Yams, Mead, Pale Ale, Parsnip, Parsnip Soup, Pina Colada.
- Likes: All Universal likes, All Fruit (except Cactus Fruit), All Milk, Daffodil
- Neutral: All Universal Neutrals, Chanterelle, Common Mushroom, Dandelion, Ginger, Hazelnut, Joja Cola, Leek, Magma Cap, Morel, Purple Mushroom, Snow Yam, Winter Root
- Dislikes: All Universal Dislikes (except Fish), All Eggs, Quartz, Wild Horseradish
- Hates: All Universal Hates (except Joja Cola), Holly, Octopus, Squid
At the movies
Once you complete the Community Center through Junimo bundles and finish the last bundle in the abandoned JojaMart store, a movie theater will open where you can take NPCs on dates.

You don’t only have to take NPCs you’re trying to romance to the movies, and just like everyone else, Pam has movies and snacks she loves and hates.
The good news is that Pam likes all of the movies you can watch, so she would be a great candidate for when you want to watch the ones you haven’t seen. She does have preferences when it comes to snacks, though, and here they are:
- Loves: Nachos, Stardrop Sorbet
- Likes: Everything else except those on her dislike list.
- Dislikes: Apple Slices, Black Licorice, Cappuccino Mousse Cake, Hummus Snack Pack, Jasmine Tea, Kale Smoothie, Panzanella Salad
Pam’s heart events in Stardew Valley
Pam’s heart events in Stardew Valley will happen as you increase your friendship points with her.
When you’ve reached any amount of friendship points above zero with Pam, she will send you a recipe in the mail. The more hearts you have with her, the more likely you are to get the recipes. Usually, this is the only way you can get these recipes in the game.
Three Hearts
- After reaching three hearts with Pam, she will send you a Cheese Cauliflower recipe in the mail.
Seven Hearts
- After reaching seven hearts with Pam, she will send you a Stuffing recipe in the mail.
Nine Hearts
- Purchase the “Community Upgrade” from Robin Shop. After earning nine hearts of friendship with Pam, enter Pam’s house at least four days after the Community Upgrade is completed.
That’s everything to know about Pam in Stardew Valley! If you want to read more content like this, you can check out our guides below.
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