The Finals Open Beta impresses as Steam player count leaps over Call of Duty

Joseph Pascoulis
the finals player with an AKM assault rifle

The Finals Open Beta is allowing the community to experience the upcoming FPS game early, and it’s flourishing as it lands in the top ten of Steam’s most-played games, leaping over Call of Duty.

The Finals is Embark Studio’s upcoming free-to-play FPS title with a lot of flair and unique, fast-paced gameplay. The Open Beta for the unreleased title dropped on October 26, and since it went live, players have been pouring into the servers.

The game possesses an interesting game mode whereby teams of three must face off against each other in a bid to earn the most cash. Vaults can be activated to extract cash around the map, and players must then take the money to a Cashout in order to bank it and earn victory.

Despite some server issues to begin with, the Open Beta for The Finals is picking up steam, literally, as on October 27, it had over 100k players on PC at one time.

This is very impressive for a beta, and this doesn’t even include console player numbers, so assuming it’s also doing well on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, Embark Studios could have a successful franchise on their hands if things continue this way.

In fact, The Finals has even leaped into the top 10 most-played titles on the Steam charts, surpassing massive names such as Call of Duty and GTA V.

Surpassing a name like Call of Duty ahead of Modern Warfare 3, which is ultimately an FPS competitor, is great for an upcoming title to gain traction and popularity.

It’s even surprising players on Reddit, as a comment under the post highlighting its position on the Steam charts said, “I honestly didn’t expect this. This is awesome! Hope the devs are happy.”

Another comment read, “this game is gonna be huge,” as the numbers for the beta have instilled hope into the community that The Finals “won’t end like Hyperscape.”

Players are calling The Finals “really fun and a breath of fresh air,” so it’s no wonder why it’s doing so well in its Open Beta phase. However, the real test will be post-launch, but as a release date has not been shared, it’s unclear when that will occur.

That said, Dr Disrespect has already given Embark Studios his opinion on how The Finals can sustain long-term success, so we’ll have to wait and see if they take him up on the advice come launch.