Stardew Valley tapper recipe & uses

Tapper in Stardew Valley is a refining equipment that lets you collect a wide range of syrups from trees. Here’s how to craft the tapper in Stardew Valley and a rundown of its best uses in the game.
You can either sell syrups in Stardew Valley to make money or consume them to gain health and energy. However, to gain these advantages, a tapper or a heavy tapper is required. Both these items are refining equipment and fall under the same category as a lightning rod and a seed maker.
From how to get the crafting recipes to make it to a rundown of all the products you can get by using it, here’s everything to know about a tapper in Stardew Valley.

How to get tapper & heavy tapper in Stardew Valley
In the table below, you’ll find the materials required to make the tapper and heavy tapper in Stardew Valley alongside how to get the respective crafting recipes.
Item | Materials required to craft | How to get ingredients | Where to get recipe | How to get recipe |
Tapper | – 40x Wood – 2x Copper Bar | – Chop down trees using an axe in the open world – Get copper ore from mine floors 2-39 with a pickaxe and use a furnace to turn it into copper. | Level up your foraging skill to 4 | Gather wild resources |
Heavy Tapper | – 30x Hardwood – 1x Radioactive Bar | – Chop down Mahogany Trees, Large Stumps, and Large Logs with a copper axe or better. – Get Radioactive Ore after activating Shrine of Challenge on floor 120 of The Mines and smelt it. | Can be purchased from Qi’s Walnut Room for Qi gems. | Walnut Room is located on Ginger island and you can open it after getting 100 Golden Walnuts. Complete quests from Special Order Board to get Qi Gems. |
How to use tapper in Stardew Valley
You can place a tapper on trees in Stardew Valley to get syrup. In the table below, you’ll find all the trees for which tapper works as a refining equipment and the products obtained:
Tree | Product obtained after using tapper | Price of product |
Maple tree | Maple syrup | 200g |
Oak tree | Oak resin | 150g |
Pine tree | Pine tar | 100g |
Green Rain tree | Fiddlehead fern | 90g |
Mystic tree | Mystic syrup | 1000g |
Mushroom tree | Common mushroom | 40g |
Mushroom tree | Red mushroom | 75g |
Mushroom tree | Purple mushroom | 250g |
Mahogany tree | Sap | 2g |
To remove a tapper from a tree in Stardew Valley, you can simply hit it once with an axe or pickaxe. If that tree is hit by lightning though, the tapper as well as its contents will be destroyed instantly so make sure to items like Lightning Rods.
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