All Sons of the Forest cheats & how to use them

Joseph Pascoulis
multiple kevins in sons of the forest

Wondering how to activate cheats in Sons of the Forest? Here’s a full list of all the cheats and how to activate them with console commands.

Sons of the Forest sees you fighting for survival on a mutant-infested island as you uncover the secrets of the game’s main story, which received a lot of new developments with the launch of the full game under the 1.0 update.

If you’re unfamiliar with survival experiences, the game can be very challenging, especially if you struggle to find better armor and weapons.

Those looking for a more fun experience, or just want to speed through the game, you may want to know how to use cheats in Sons of the Forest, as well as see a full list of them.

So, with that said, here’s a full list of all the Sons of the Forest cheats and how to use them.

All cheats in Sons of the Forest

Here’s a full list of all the cheat commands and descriptions of what they do in Sons of the Forest:

Player cheat commands

Cheat commandCheat description
addallitemsGives player all items
additem [item name]Adds an item of your choice (shotgun, chainsaw)
buffstatsRefills vitals
cavelight offTurns off illumination
cavelight onLights area around you
createlightAdds lightsource to world
forcerain heavyRainy weather
forcerain sunnySunny weather
godmode offDeactivates god mode
godmode onActivates god mode
instantbookbuild offTurns off instant build cheat
instantbookbuild onBuilds anything selected from book
locktimeofday morningLocks time of day to morning
regenhealthGives full health
removeallitemsClears inventory
saveSaves the game
season autumnSeason change to autumn
season springSeason change to spring
season summerSeason change to summer
season winterSeason change to winter
settimeofday [1-24]Allows you to change time of day
settimeofday morningTime changes to morning
settimeofday nightTime changes to night
showhud offTurns off HUD
showhud onTurns on HUD
spawnworldobject xSpawns named item
speedyrun offTurns fast run off
speedyrun onFaster run
superjump offTurns super jump off
superjump onGives you super jump

NPC cheat commands

Cheat commandCheat description
addcharacter robby 1Spawn another Kelvin
addvirginiaSpawn another Virginia
aigodmode onActivates god mode for companions
aigodmode offDeactivates god mode for companions
aighostplayer onActivate god mode for companions
aighostplayer offEnemies see you
aipauseAI freeze in place
aidisableAI completely vanish
aishowthoughts onDisplay AI paths/thoughts
killradius [number]Kill everything in chosen range

Other cheat commands

Cheat CommandCheat Description
addallbookpagesAdds all book pages to the player’s inventory
addallstoryitemsGives the player all story-related items
additemswithtagAdds items with a specific tag
addmemoryAdds a memory to the player
addprefabAdds a prefab object
aiangerlevelAdjusts AI anger level
aianimspeedAdjusts AI animation speed
aiarmorlevelAdjusts AI armor level
aiarmortierSets AI armor tier
aidodgetestTests AI dodge mechanic
aidummyCreates an AI dummy
aiforcestrafeForces AI to strafe
aijumpdebugDebugs AI jumping
aiknockdowndisableDisables AI knockdown
aimemoryadjustAdjusts AI memory
aipoolstatsShows AI pool statistics
airadarDisplays AI radar
airunworldeventRuns a world event for AI
aishowanimsShows AI animations
aishowdebugShows AI debug information
aishowdebugcameraShows AI debug camera
aishoweventmemoryShows AI event memory
aishowhealthDisplays AI health
aishownavgraphShows AI navigation graph
aishowpathsDisplays AI paths
aishowplayerinfluencesShows player influences on AI
aishowstatsShows AI statistics
aishowsurvivalstatsDisplays AI survival statistics
aistatadjustAdjusts AI statistics
aistructurelogLogs AI structures
aitestsleepTests AI sleep
aithoughtAdds an AI thought
aithoughtnocooldownAdds AI thoughts without cooldown
aivailstatsDisplays AI visibility statistics
aiverboselogEnables verbose AI logging
aivillageclosestFinds the closest AI village
aiworldeventstatsShows AI world event statistics
aiworldstatsDisplays AI world statistics
aizonestatsShows AI zone statistics
allowasyncAllows asynchronous operations
ammohackUnlimited ammo
animallimitmultMultiplies animal limit
animalsenabledToggles animal spawns
animstatesguiDisplays animation states GUI
anisoenabledToggles anisotropic filtering
AnisominmaxSets anisotropic filtering min/max
applydefaultmaterialsApplies default materials
areashadowToggles area shadows
astarToggles A* pathfinding
audio2dtestTests 2D audio
audiodebugToggles audio debug
audiodebugstatesShows audio debug states
audiodescriptionShows audio descriptions
audioparameterAdjusts audio parameters
audioplayeventPlays an audio event
billboardenabledToggles billboard rendering
billboardignorechangesIgnores billboard changes
blockplayerfinaldeathBlocks player’s final death
breakobjectsBreaks objects
buildermodeToggles builder mode
buildhackEnables building hack
cameradissAdjusts camera dissipation
camerafovAdjusts camera field of view
capsulemodeToggles capsule mode
characterlodsAdjusts character LODs
checkattachedentitiesChecks attached entities
checkexitmenuChecks exit menu
checkfrozenentitiesChecks frozen entities
clearClears the console
clearallsettingsResets all settings to default
clearaudioparametersClears all audio parameters
clearbushradiusClears vegetation in a specified radius
clearmidactionflagClears mid-action flags for player actions
cloudenableToggles cloud rendering
cloudfactorAdjusts cloud rendering factor
cloudshadowsenableToggles cloud shadow rendering
combatteststartStarts a combat

How to use cheats in Sons of the Forest: How to open console command

You’ll need to use the console commands in Sons of the Forest in order to activate cheats. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Load your Sons of the Forest save file.
  2. Once in the game, stand still and type “cheatstick” on your keyboard.
  3. Next, press F1.
  4. The console command will now be open, and you can input any of the cheats above to use in-game.

Well, there you have it, that was every cheat command in Sons of the Forest as well as how to open the console command to input and use them.

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