SypherPK reveals problems with Epic’s new ‘secret’ Fortnite update

Hamza Khalid
SypherPK discusses Fortnite

Ali ‘SypherPK’ Hassan discussed Fortnite’s February 5th update in a new video, in which he pointed out some major problems with the performance mode changes that Epic Games have introduced.

Epic Games provide constant updates to Fortnite, which give the battle royale some new content along with quality-of-life changes. The recent v15.30 patch made a few bug fixes, and brought two new exotic weapons.

On February 5, the devs introduced a small maintenance patch in which they made changes to the game’s performance mode setting. This is used by players with low-end devices to improve their frames-per-second, and SypherPK has found a few issues with these changes.

SypherPK discusses Fortnite

Epic Games change Fortnite’s performance mode in new update

FPS drops are a common issue for gamers that don’t have access to high-end devices, since high quality textures can slow down their performance. That’s why a performance mode to fix the frame-rate drops is important in competitive games.

SypherPK uploaded a video in which he noted that the new changes have made it impossible to see through the textures. “The visual block that it applies makes it kind of impossible to use in a pro competitive setting, and most of these players would rather not play on mobile graphics.”

He also pointed out that the changes to the gold bar payout, in competitive play, is “having a huge impact.” The updated rewards for completing quests and bounties is giving players more access to Exotic weapons than before.

This sentiment has been shared by other players who vented their frustration with the changes to the devs. This led to a response from Epic in which they stated that the changes are intentional, but this did not reassure fans as well as they hoped.

Many players brought up the consequences that updates will have on their Fortnite experience, with things like Box Fighting becoming impossible to do. “Rather have less fps than not see my builds” Binbag wrote.

Reaching a perfect balance with performance mode is no easy task but we hope that Epic Games will listen to fan complaints, and issue a fix for this issue soon. Once they do, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Image credits: Epic Games / SypherPK