EA make major change to FIFA 23 FUT Champs rewards & players are delighted

Luca Di Marzo
FIFA 23 Fut Champs rewards

Following the start of the new year, FIFA 23 players will benefit from improved FUT Champs rewards as they grind through Ultimate Team’s most competitive mode.

FIFA 23 players have long since complained about the lack of grinding incentives in the form of valuable Ultimate Team rewards. Division Rivals offers little compensation unless players reach the upper echelon of the Elite Division.

The only saving grace has been FUT Champs and it seems EA are committed to improving rewards at the start of 2023. Prior to the changes, FUT Champs already offered the most valuable rewards for players and they’ve turned more forgiving over the years.

This lenient trend is set to continue as players of all skill levels will have a chance to accumulate better rewards after the welcome change.

The new rewards are set to debut with the first new FUT Champs campaign of 2023 starting on January 6. EA have added a plethora of 84+ player picks that align with your Rank. In other words, the higher your Rank, the more player picks you’ll receive in addition to the standard set of FUT Champs rewards.

FIFA 23 FUT Champs rewards receive major upgrade

While only FIFA 23’s top players will reach Rank 1 rewards, the upgraded rewards have been a welcome surprise for the FUT community. Rank 1 rewards may seem out of reach for some, but a trickle-down effect has altered every Rank, boosting rewards across the board.

Some players were in disbelief at the Rank 5 rewards which you can take a look at above: “there’s no way u get ALL that for rank 5.”

One FIFA player responded with “Rare EA W,” summing up the sentiment of this major FUT Champs change, which increases the chances of packing rare promo players through player picks.

The bewilderment of FIFA 23 fans is palpable, with one player explaining: “So they made rewards even better? What’s going on at EA? WW has been a big W in terms of free content and now this? I’m one of EA’s biggest critics but they’ve been class the last fortnight.”

With this welcome FUT Champs rewards change fresh off the heels of the successful Winter Wildcards promo, expectations are high for the debut of FUT Centurions.

For more, check out this FIFA 23 Wrexham easter egg that includes a Ryan Reynolds Liverpool snub or our guide to every Ultimate Team promo.

Image Credit: EA Sports