Diablo 4 fans call for major quality-of-life feature to fix “tedious” new character runs

Joseph Pascoulis
diablo 4 character facing enemies

Diablo 4 players are calling for the devs to introduce a major quality-of-life improvement to the game to make new playthroughs more enjoyable.

Diablo 4 has landed, and fans of the dungeon crawler have dived straight in, creating their characters and builds with some getting a headstart through early access.

Diablo 4 is all about loot and character customization, as players fight their way through enemies and bosses in order to level up and get better gear for their characters. With so many choices, sometimes it can be hard to decide which build you want to go with.

Many players will make multiple characters to experience different builds, playing through the game again in order to level them up. Unfortunately, players who like to make new characters have run into a slight issue that makes the new character playthrough “tedious.”

Reddit user itutudori expressed his frustration with the fact that map knowledge does not carry over through new character runs in Diablo 4, asking the devs to “please give us the full map when we create a new char.”

The OP stated that they had spent “quite a bit of time” discovering every “nook and cranny of the map” in their first playthrough of the game, and it felt “so rewarding.” However, when they created a new character and logged in, they found that “there’s no map besides a couple of portals.”

The Reddit user claims that having to discover the map all over again every time players create a new character is “just tedious,” asking for the devs to “make map knowledge account wide.”

Others in the comments also would like the change, as one user said “agreed,” while another said “Gold carries over. Why not map?”

This quality-of-life change would no doubt make the players in the Reddit post happy, and it will likely lead to more replayability as one player even said there’s “zero chance” that they will bother to uncover the map again with an alternate character, as “its too big and there are far too many discovery points.”

The player continued, saying there are already some features that are account-wide, and “there is no reason not to include map discovery as well.”

We’ll have to wait and see if Blizzard respond to the calls for this Diablo 4 quality-of-life feature. For now, check out who Lilith is in Diablo 4.