Can you play CS2 with a controller?

Joseph Pascoulis
counter-strike-2 player planting the bomb

CS2 is a tactical FPS that requires a ton of skill, but with the game only being available for PC, you may be curious if you can use a controller. So, here’s all you need to know about controller support in CS2.

With a few weeks since CS2‘s full release, players are diving into the new Premier mode, experiencing the upgrades that come with the new title. CS2 is widely considered to be a mouse and keyboard game, as precision while aiming is vital and many consider it easier to be accurate with a mouse as opposed to sticks on a controller.

That said, many FPS gamers are strictly controller-only, leading to the question: can you play Counter-Strike 2 with a controller?

For those interested, here’s everything you need to know about whether or not you can use a controller in CS2.

CT and T characters holding guns in CS2's poster
CS2’s release has shot up the active player count for Counter-Strike.

Does CS2 have controller support?

Yes, you can play CS2 using a controller, meaning the game allows you to connect a PlayStation or Xbox controller. By default, you’ll be able to aim and move with your controller’s trackpad and joysticks. However, you can change the binds as per your requirements.

While the controller will work just fine during your CS2 matches, you won’t be able to navigate through the game’s menu using the same. We hope the developers update this for a seamless controller experience. So in the meantime, make sure you have a mouse ready to accept your matches in case this happens.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to increase your mouse sensitivity while on a controller. Before diving into matches, make sure to familiarize yourself with the mouse and zoom sensitivity.

That’s all you need to know about controllers in CS2. For more on the game, be sure to check the following:

Best CS2 crosshair codes used by pros | How to use s1mple’s Counter-Strike 2 settings | What are Premier ranks & CS rating in Counter-Strike 2 | How to bind & jump throw nades in CS2 | Best Counter-Strike 2 commands | How to show FPS in Counter-Strike 2 | Best Counter-Strike 2 PC settings

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About The Author

Joseph is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel, specializing in shooters such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch. He also enjoys Souls-likes, the Resident Evil franchise, and Tekken. After writing for KeenGamer, he joined CharlieIntel in 2021. If Joseph isn't writing about games, he's most likely playing them. You can contact him at [email protected].