Warzone players divided over “excessive” respawn options in Battle Royale mode

Max Candelarezi
Warzone dropping into Urzikstan

Warzone’s battle royale mode has several respawn features that allow players to return to the match when eliminated. However, players are divided between those who like having many options available to do so and those who believe that it takes away the fun of the game.

Since its launch, Warzone‘s battle royale has incorporated a ton of quality-of-life changes and new content that keep the experience fresh for players.

Among them are the respawn features, offering players second chances to reenter the match after being killed. While many believe that the Gulag was the game’s biggest innovation, others think the game should only retain this returning mechanic.

Reddit user ‘TheEscortGamer’ shared his frustration over the number of available respawn features, causing a debate in the community, “Why does a “Battle Royale” have 7 ways of returning? wtf happened to just buy backs and 1 gulag?”

The OP followed, “This is why Warzone has lost its personality and is just a shell of its former self…150 players, buy backs, 1 gulag and a rare jail break was a perfect balance for a COD BR, now its just resurgence on a big map.”

On the other side, user ‘_TheNameless_’ compared Warzone’s battle royale with Blackout, Black Ops 4’s BR, stating, “If you ever played blackout you’d appreciate it more. In that game there wasn’t even buy backs so when you die you just leave.”

Despite agreeing, the OP still thought “going from 2 ways of coming back to 7 is just horrible and unfun” for the game. However, another user explained, “People complained that the mid game in Warzone 2 was dead, couldn’t find anyone. This [respawn features] was the fix.”

While it remains unknown how many respawn features will remain available throughout the game, the intention was probably to improve the pace of the matches, preventing aggressive players from being heavily punished.

For more on Warzone, be sure to check out the best Urzikstan landing spots for wins & high-kill games or The Walking Dead crossover.

About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].