Warzone players beg for Sniper buffs to bring back one-shot meta

Warzone Season 1 features every weapon from Modern Warfare 3 and Modern Warfare 2, but only one Sniper Rifle is capable of a one-shot kill without explosive rounds. Fans of Sniper Rifle gameplay are crying out for more variety when it comes to one-shot Snipers in Warzone.
The Warzone Season 1 update marked the start of a new era for fans of the Call of Duty battle royale. Warzone‘s integration with MW3 brought the brand-new Urzikstan map, as well as the entire weapon arsenal from 2023’s premium CoD title.
In addition to MW3 weapons joining the roster, players still have access to all of the guns from Modern Warfare 2. The integration brought four new Sniper Rifles to Warzone, bumping up the total number of Snipers to eleven.
Despite this impressive number of Snipers to choose from, many still require explosive rounds to one-shot kill enemies. It seems Warzone players are fed up with this mechanic and are begging the devs to increase the number of Snipers that can one-shot kill in the battle royale.
The Reddit post above is a plea to the devs to add more one-shot kill Snipers to Warzone. The OP explained that the percentage of Snipers that can achieve the feat in Warzone: “From 11 sniper rifles just 1 can one shot without using explosive rounds.”
One fan of using Snipers pointed to the original version of Warzone as the ideal way to balance Snipers: “I agree I miss being able to quickscope with the spr, kar98k, & Swiss on resurgence. The way they balanced snipers was good, heavy snipers one shot any distance, aggressive snipers within 50-60m I felt was a good balance”
Players were quick to agree with the sentiment in the post, with one expressing their disappointment that their preferred playstyle is in such a weak state: “While I like the Katt, it’s corny they’ve eliminated an entire play style.”
While most players were calling on the devs to implement changes or add more one-shot Snipers, one player called for patience as they expect more to arrive with future updates: “My dude this is just season 1. We will have more later.”
Season 1’s XRK Stalker did not arrive with one-shot capabilities, so it remains to be seen if Season 2 will deliver another Sniper Rifle that doesn’t require explosive ammo to one-shot kill.
For more Warzone, check out how the Snakeshots have made a return, or how to get Paul Atreides Dune Operator.