Warzone Covert Exfil explained: How to escape matches

Max Candelarezi
Warzone Operators Covert Exfil

Warzone Season 1 Reloaded will bring a new way for players to escape a match with the introduction of the Covert Exil. Here’s all you need to know about Covert Exfils in Warzone, including how they work.

Warzone Season 1 brought a ton of content into the battle royale title, including the Urzikstan map, massive movement changes, an overhauled Perk system, and the full roster of MW3 weapons.

However, the game is set for another substantial update coming with Season 1 Reloaded, which will mark the return of the Champion’s Quest contract, the new Weapon Case, and last but not least, the Covert Exfil feature, which could alter how battle royale matches are played.

Here’s all you need to know about the Covert Exfil feature in Warzone.

What is Covert Exfil in Warzone?

The Covert Exfil in Warzone is a “challenging new way to escape the match” coming with Season 1 Reloaded. In each match, there will be only five Covert Exfils available to purchase in Buy Stations before the Gulag closes.

According to the Season 1 Reloaded blog, this item will have a “high price” and once activated, it will “call in a helicopter that can fly any player out of the match.” Additionally, Raven Software confirmed that successfully exfiling via Covert Exfil “does not count as a traditional win – rather as a separate stat – and will not count towards Champion’s Quest progress.

Given that Covert Exfils won’t count towards the traditional win stats, each successful exfiltration will be tracked by a “new Covert Exfil leaderboard stat.” Also, this feature can be used to secure “exclusive rewards” as players can purchase a Covert Exfil to exit the match when picking up a Weapon Case.

All in all, that’s everything you need to know about the Covert Exfil in Warzone Season 1 Reloaded.

For more on the game, be sure to check out our other guides:

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About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].