New items in Black Market Reserves in Operation Spectre Rising have to be earned per weapon

Based on reports from users unlocking Reserve Crates in Black Ops 4, the new content that came to the Black Market Reserve in Black Ops 4 with Operation Spectre Rising has to be earned….per weapon.
Every single item has to be unlocked for each weapon which is now bloating the loot pool with a bunch of the same item over and over, until you get it for each of the weapons or characters in-game.
PrestigeIsKey showcased that he earned three of the same thing, but it was set for a different weapon:
A user on Reddit also showcased the same situation, earning the “Surprise Party” numerous times for each of the different weapons:

Treyarch has not stated yet why they made this change to the Reserve Cases, but it does seem like it’s a way to fill up the loot pool with a bunch of the same content, restricting players from earning some other new content types.