MW3 player uses underrated Field Upgrade for 200 IQ play

Joseph Pascoulis
mw3 player with a sniper on the terminal map

A MW3 player has shown the community how to use one of the game’s most underrated Field Upgrades for legit wallhacks.

With so many loadout options in MW3, it can be hard to select which Equipment, Perks, and Field Upgrades to select, let alone your Primary and Secondary weapons.

Due to the sheer volume of options, there tend to be many underused options, especially in the Field Upgrade category, as most players tend to opt for options like Dead Silence, Portable Radar, and the Trophy System.

According to Reddit user ‘cm757200’, the “most underrated” out of the 18 Field Upgrades in MW3 is the Tactical Camera, which is rarely seen in multiplayer matches.

In fact, they shared a clip of them using it to get free wallhacks on Terminal, as they use the Tactical Camera to mark the enemy before taking them out by sniping them through a wall.

This certainly takes some skill, but some are concerned that it may result in a shadow ban, as players may be unaware of how the Tactical Camera works: “Great use of the Tac Camera, It is indeed underrated. But be prepared to get shadowbanned.”

Another comment shared a feeling of worry as they fear the OP may have sparked an increased use of the Tactical Camera in MW3: “Oh dear god what have you done.”

One player saw the clip and noticed that it could help them get “better results in SnD,” where the gameplay is a lot slower and getting any information on the enemy’s position is vital. That said, you’ll still need to know some great places to put the camera, as the OP has clearly found a perfect spot for it on Terminal.

We’ll have to see if this catches on, but for now, check out the iconic map that players would like to see replaced in MW3.

About The Author

Joseph is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel, specializing in shooters such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch. He also enjoys Souls-likes, the Resident Evil franchise, and Tekken. After writing for KeenGamer, he joined CharlieIntel in 2021. If Joseph isn't writing about games, he's most likely playing them. You can contact him at [email protected].