Infinity Ward tweaks Ghosts’s pointstreak system to better reward objective players

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has released a new hot fix for Ghosts today that has slightly tweaked how the Pointstreak system in Call of Duty: Ghosts works.


Added killstreak point rewards for KC, DOM and Grind game types to promote objective play:

  • KC: Half point rewarded for collecting tags.
  • DOM: Half point rewarded for changing a flag to Neutral, and another half point from neutral to Captured.
  • Grind: Half point rewarded for each tag banked.

With the new update, you now get half a point for capturing a flag, neutralizing a flag, confirming kills, denying kills, and other objective based things. User @StoneWallTabor sent us over a video of the new changes.

SOURCE: Ghosts via @StoneWallTabor