CoD expert warns MW2 weapons won’t be “as effective” in Modern Warfare 3

Max Candelarezi
MW2 Operator holding weapon

Despite Call of Duty announcing that MW2 weapons will carry over to Modern Warfare 3, allowing players to use them at launch, CoD expert WhosImmortal explained why they probably won’t be “as effective” within the game.

Each year with the release of a new Call of Duty installment, some players fear losing all progress and starting from scratch again. However, Call of Duty recently confirmed that Modern Warfare 3 will allow players to retain their MW2 weapon arsenal and progression through a first-time-introduced Carry Forward feature.

While the upcoming game won’t be offered as MW2 DLC, Activision did confirm all weapons, attachments, and progress will be incorporated into SHG’s game. But despite MW2’s arsenal being carried over to MW3, CoD expert WhosImmortal believes MW2 weapons might not be “as effective” within the game.

CoD expert expects MW3 weapons to be prioritized over MW2 guns

According to the creator, although players will retain access to all their MW2 Operators, weapons, and progress in the game, business-wise, Activision will assumably prioritize Modern Warfare 3 weapons over MW2 guns.

“I would imagine most MW2 won’t be all that effective in MW3 because then you wouldn’t have a reason to buy MW3 and level up the new guns and buy bundles for the new guns,” he warned during his video.

Then he added: “The more MW2 weapons that are effective, the less you need to spend money for MW3 specified content,” indicating overpowered MW2 guns will likely outperform MW3 weapons, therefore ruining monetization for new content.

Even though MW2 weapons might not be as powerful as players desire in MW3, the creator mentions that having MW2 guns, attachments, and progress available at MW3’s launch will allow “a ton of different options between every weapon category to jump in and mess around.”

One of the most challenging aspects of leveling up weapons is having to use them without attachments at the start. Undoubtedly, this will provide players with the possibility to start their first game with the familiarity of using equipment they already know, allowing them to enjoy the game from the very beginning.

So if you’re looking to prepare yourself, be sure you have the best MW2 weapons leveled up and ready for when MW3 launches on November 10, 2023.

For more on Call of Duty, check out everything we know about Modern Warfare 3’s reveal event in Warzone, the official classic red dot minimap‘s return, and the rumored MW2 (2009) maps coming back.

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About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].