Modern Warfare 2 fans baffled by chaotic traffic jam map design

Luca Di Marzo
Santa Sena border crossing Modern Warfare 2 map

One of Modern Warfare 2’s Core maps is shocking players with its unique vertical layout and one-of-a-kind car-filled highway structure.

For some players, the Modern Warfare 2 journey got off to an interesting start as they look to discover the game’s new Perks and weapons. The feeling of playing a brand-new Call of Duty title is somewhat disorienting before you get accustomed to the maps.

As players jump into one multiplayer match after another, one particular map has the community in a frenzy. The Santa Sena Border Crossing map has left players shocked and quite frankly lost for words as they attempt to make sense of the unique layout.

Santa Sena Border Crossing places players on a highway packed with an unthinkable amount of cars. Take our word for it, practically every inch of the map features a car from one end to the other. The narrow vertical nature of the map has also struck the community as odd considering it’s far from the traditional square or circle layout players are accustomed to.

As the title of the Reddit post explains, players were baffled by the map design which they believe seems wasteful considering Modern Warfare 2 offers ten Core maps at launch.

Players wasted no time sounding off on the unique map design: “This actually looks horrid, like they didn’t even try with this one. I can’t believe the amount of people eating this up… it’s a straight road with a traffic jam.”

Despite general skepticism, one user claimed that it’s too early to pass judgment on the map. “I’m seeing a lot of hate and I get it. But this map could end up being just hilariously chaotic and fun. Let’s wait and see.” While they agreed that the layout is strange, it’s true that small chaotic maps like Shipment and Nuke Town have been major hits in the past.

Former LA Thieves GM Eric “Muddawg” Sanders shared his thoughts on the map design, admitting that he “refuse[s] to believe a level designer made this by choice.”

Given Muddawg’s experience with the Call of Duty franchise, he was able to elaborate on the map’s major problem. According to him, a lack of player choice is the map’s biggest issue.

Without a few directional options for players to explore, it will “force them down a bridge with at least 82 cars on it.”

It’s safe to say that the initial perception of Santa Sena Border Crossing is quite poor but it remains to be seen if the map is generating a negative reaction because the layout is not familiar to players or because the map actually does not play well in-game.

For more, check out how Modern Warfare Season 1 will come with legendary multiplayer maps.

Image Credit: Activision