Infinity Ward urge fans not to change location to play Modern Warfare 2 early

Modern Warfare 2 developers Infinity Ward have issued a warning to players trying to change their location to access the game early, claiming it will lead to serious connection issues.
While plenty of fans have already burned through the Modern Warfare 2 single-player campaign, for many, their first taste of this year’s CoD will be on October 28. This is MW2‘s final release date which will see the campaign, as well as the multiplayer servers, go live for all.
As is the case with most new releases, those who just can’t wait will be trying to change their console or PC’s location to New Zealand to play early. Doing this unlocks the game at midnight in that region, which is often hours before most other places.
However, developers Infinity Ward have told players that doing this could cause serious problems when they finally get their hands on Modern Warfare 2.
In an October 27 tweet, the devs shared a “launch PSA” advising players to wait until the game launches in their respective regions.
It said: “If you are trying to change your console’s region setting in order to access #MWII early, you will experience connectivity issues and may be locked out of the game until the official launch time of your region.”
This may come as a disappointment to players in the US, who will be forced to wait longer before trying out Modern Warfare 2 thanks to the drastic difference in time zones. But it appears that trying to cheat the system for a few extra hours could cause more issues.
Many fans have been calling for Activision, and other major publishers, to release their games at the same time for everyone, to make sure that certain regions don’t have any advantage. We’ll have to wait and see if future releases take these concerns on board.
Thankfully, we’re just hours away from MW2’s worldwide launch, so it won’t be too long before everyone can dive into the new era of Call of Duty.
For more on Modern Warfare 2, check out the best mouse and keyboard settings, as well as the new Weapon Tuning feature.
Image credit: Activision