Cold War Season 1 trailer sneakily reveals potential new gun

Andrew Highton

The new BOCW cinematic trailer featured a plethora of new details, including confirmation of new maps, a new Operator, and possibly another new gun coming to the game too.

We’ve been experiencing a huge rush of brand new information regarding CoD: Black Ops Cold War’s impending Season One that is set to launch on December 16.

Amidst the chaos, there’s been a new update that has all but confirmed we’ll be getting two new guns to try. But a third has been spotted, and the likelihood of it being added is only furthered by data mining found a few weeks ago.

stitch in bocw

New BOCW weapon

In Treyarch‘s 2-minute Season One cinematic trailer, the video barreled to a dramatic conclusion in which Adler had been challenged to meet an old adversary in a Mall. Knowing the risks that it poses and how likely it is that they will be outnumbered, Adler and his team set out.

Eventually, his team is surrounded, and a mysterious presence emerges from the elevator and commands the room. But the illusion is that you don’t look at the gun he’s holding in his hands as you’re too busy waiting for the camera to pan up.

That gun is actually the Striker shotgun. A semi-automatic howitzer of a gun that has made appearances in several other Call of Duty games in the past. Being held by our new Operator – Stitch – the Striker could very well be pounding its way into Season One along with everything else.

striker shotgun in bocw

If not, then it would be a wise bet to suggest we’ll see it in Black Ops Cold War at some point. This isn’t even the first mention of the Striker in BOCW, either. During the game’s Beta’s final stages, some rigorous datamining shed light on some tucked away files.

One of these files was the Striker itself. So it’s clearly been in the pipeline for a while, and we expect to see it nestle alongside its fellow Shotgun brethren, the Hauer, the Gallo, and the Streetsweeper, soon enough.

Image credits: Treyarch