Battlefield 2042 Game Director gives candid response to players begging for major fixes

Liam Mackay
Battlefield 2042 players in Hourglass map

Battlefield 2042 has been a disappointment to many long-time fans of the franchise, but EA Game Director Marcus Lehto has given a reassuringly direct response to the complaints.

The Battlefield franchise underwent a massive shake-up after 2042’s lukewarm launch, with it being revealed that EA and DICE are creating a Battlefield Universe that will span across future games and projects.

One of the new hires was industry veteran Marcus Lehto, the man behind Master Chief. He’s been open about his plans to improve Battlefield 2042 and has given a candid response to player complaints.

Battlefield 2042 soldiers in front of a helicopter

Lehto joined EA in October 2021 to take over as Game Director and founded a brand-new studio, which will be supporting Battlefield 2042’s development. Since taking up the post, he has been vocal about his plans to fix the franchise.

Most recently, a Battlefield player tweeted Lehto on December 31, saying that “I have a rough time figuring out why EA is transforming my beloved favorite franchise (Battlefield) [into] what it is not. If you could maybe clarify for me.”

Lehto responded, saying “I’m figuring that out myself. Then planning to fix things.”

As confirmed by Gamespot, Marcus Lehto’s Seattle-based team is all about expanding Battlefield 2042’s narrative across “a variety of experiences,” and “act as the driver for narrative in tight collaboration with DICE and Ripple Effect Studios to help build great player experiences in the Battlefield universe.”

This new studio’s plans for Battlefield 2042 are still under wraps, but Lehto has said that he’s hearing the player base’s ideas “loud and clear,” and asked them to “keep it coming.” He’s also said that “No clown shooters will happen on my watch” in response to the Santa Claus skin that received immediate backlash.

However, it sounds like real change won’t arrive until further down the line, with the first season expected to arrive in March 2022, around four months after launch.

Image Credit: DICE / EA