Baldur’s Gate 3 players explain why you shouldn’t play as Origin characters

Emily Stander
The companions in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players who have managed multiple playthroughs have noticed a story-based problem when you play as an Origin character. 

Baldur’s Gate 3 takes players through a main story, but you are also exposed to intricate details of your party’s background. Each Origin character has a unique story to tell, and the game gives you a lot of opportunities to be part of that story. These storylines also, usually, play a big part in the overarching main questline.

Origin characters, as they are referred to, are also playable by you. Instead of creating a custom character when the game starts, you have the option to play as one of the Origins: Astarion, Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Gale, and Wyll. 

Though they are strictly preset characters, you are still able to play the game in any manner you’d like. You are still able to romance anyone in the party, you can still choose the fate of those around you through your choices, and you can still customize their classes and abilities. 

However, some players have noticed storytelling holes if you decide to play as an Origin character. If you play as Tav, you have to build some kind of relationship with everyone in the party. From here, you can learn more about their culture, beliefs, and personal histories. The more the Origin character likes you, the more likely they are to share this with you, and the more likely you are to help them change their paths if you think it would be best for them. 

If you play as that Origin character, though, you don’t have that same outside influence on how your character progresses. 

As Reddit user GrinningPariah puts it: “[When you play as Shadowheart], you can tell your party about your faith early on but like Durge no one really cares past that conversation. You walk through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and see the horrors there, but no one is there to say “hey, isn’t it pretty f****d up that Shar would do this.”

“When you meet Dame Aylin she tries to talk you down from killing her, obviously, but thinking from Shadowheart’s perspective, why would you listen to someone who knows they’re about to die?” they continued. 

More players added to the comments of the post, agreeing with this thought. “All origin characters with any sort of dilemma have the same problem,” another fan said. “There’s nobody to help Lae’zel see through Vlaakith’s bulls**t, help Gale realize he shouldn’t pursue the crown given how his last ambitious plan ended up or talk Astarion into not becoming the vampire ascendant.”

Some pointed out that even though this inconsistency exists, you as the player still have the choice of how the Origin character’s story in question plays out. It depends on how you want to roleplay them, and that’s what Baldur’s Gate 3 is meant to be about. 

For more on Baldur’s Gate 3, read about the dumbest ways players have made enemies and the best Gale companion build.