Baldur’s Gate 3 companions aren’t “horny anymore” after patch and fans are divided

Rajarshi Acharya
baldur's gate 3 gale

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have found that after the latest patches, the companions have lost their horniness.

Baldur’s Gate 3 companions have been praised for their lifelike qualities, detailed and emotional questlines, as well as their believable romances. They have distinct personalities, and can also be played as Origin characters. All of them have distinct builds that they excel at, but can be respecced into different classes.

However, one complaint players had about them was their horniness. Your companions would all seemingly be attracted to you, even when their approval was low. Gale was the most affected by it, and he would repeatedly flirt with your character even when you turned him down.

Now, Baldur’s Gate 3 players are realizing that this bug has been completely fixed by Larian Studios’ patches.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players realize companions are less flirtatious after patch

Redditor ‘derfinsterling’ took to the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit to share the experience of their second playthrough. They claimed that their companions aren’t horny anymore after they saved the Tieflings at the Druid Grove. According to them, this was in stark contrast to their first playthrough where almost every companion would hit on their character.

Now, “Shadowheart is too gloomy…Wyll needs to ‘ground himself,’ Gale says he had too much too drink…Lae’zel says that I won’t be alone tonight, so she takes a pass, and Karlach…well, she can’t.” The OP didn’t like this change, and they called the patch “stupid” for “de-hornying everybody.”

As one user clarified, you now need a higher approval rating to romance a companion. Others agreed that the companions were too horny before the patch in Baldur’s Gate 3. One comment read, “Yeah literally every companion including the Emperor tried to smash.”

However, many users expected more from the patches, as one user explained: “I don’t like this fix. Because still even if they have high approval of me doesn’t mean they should try and f*** me if I haven’t ever flirted with them.” They suggested that “it should be combined with high approval AND the player character initiating the romance possibility through dialogue.”

If you want to read more about Baldur’s Gate 3, check out the mod that brings Lord of the Rings characters to The Sword Coast, or learn how a player used a genius trick to recruit Minthara as a good character.

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