New Apex Legends weapon leaked in Season 8 dev stream

Hamza Khalid
New Apex Legends Season 8 weapon discovered

A mysterious weapon was briefly shown in the background during the Apex Legends Season 8 dev livestream, leading many fans to wonder if the gun will be added to the battle royale.

With Apex Legends Season 8 about to launch, Respawn have unveiled some of the new content that we’ll be seeing in the update. This includes a few map changes along with a new Legend named Fuse, and introducing new weapons at the start of seasons is an Apex tradition.

We got a close look at the 30-30 Repeater rifle, and another new weapon may have been spotted in the background during the recent Apex Legends dev livestream. This has led to mass speculation about its inclusion in the battle royale’s future.

Unreleased Apex Legends weapon in Season 8 dev stream

Unreleased Apex Legends weapon discovered in Season 8 dev stream

This weapon was only visible for a brief moment in the dev stream, and it seems that both the action and the magazine are located behind the trigger. It also looks bulky, but the short amount of screen time that the weapon had made it hard to confirm that.

The gun’s big, bulky, bullpup design makes it stand out from the other weapons in the game. So far, the devs haven’t really acknowledged it in any way, or shown us how it would function in combat. If this is a teaser for some future weapon, then this isn’t too surprising.

Even the 30-30 Repeater was first spotted back in the Season 6 dev stream, so two seasons passed before it finally released. This means that we might see this new weapon in the game when Season 10 goes live.

We can still piece together how the gun works by examining the design. It’s about the same size as an assault rifle, and the last one of those that was added to the game was the Havoc, back in February 2019.

Since Respawn haven’t acknowledged the existence of this mysterious weapon, it’s possible that they have no plans to ever release it in the battle royale, and this is nothing more than a fun little easter egg that players can encounter.

We hope that’s not the case, and the developers might implement the weapon in a future update. Once we hear anything official from them about this, we’ll be sure to update you.

Image credits: Respawn Entertainment/EA