Apex Legends player discovers secret Seer nerf that gives away his location

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends seer ability

An Apex Legends player has discovered yet another secret nerf not mentioned in the Season 15 Spellbound Collection Event that has affected Seer.

Respawn Entertainment have been under fire recently as the Apex Legends community have not been satisfied with the way in which they have communicated with the playerbase.

The devs seemed to have recognized this, releasing a blog detailing exactly how the current skill-based matchmaking system works, and how they aim to improve it with a new system in the future.

However, players have found yet another secret nerf not mentioned in the patch notes, sparking similar feelings of distrust.

In the Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event update, players noticed changes to Horizon that were not mentioned in the patch notes. The devs have since acknowledged that this change was not ready to be introduced in the final game, but it seems players have found another, this time a nerf for Seer.

Apex Legends Seer shadow nerf

Apex Legends player Sven noticed a difference in Seer’s Passive ability, Heart Seeker. This ability is regarded as one of the Recon Legend’s most potent, as it allows Seer to effortlessly track down enemies and uncover their location.

Now, in Season 15, it seems the devs have secretly made the audio for this Passive ability a lot louder, allowing enemies to hear when they are being tracked down much more effectively than before.

Sven explains that while Seer’s Heart Seeker ability had previously made a noise, the sound is now much louder, making it easier to know when Seer is nearby using his Passive.

In response, a player in the comments of the Twitter post says that similar to Horizon’s nerfs, this could also be a change that “should be in S16” but got pushed out early. They also question “what else changed,” as players seem to be discovering new unannounced changes every week.

The devs quickly reverted Horizon’s Gravity Lift nerf, so perhaps something similar will happen to this shadow nerf for Seer’s Passive. We’ll have to wait and see, but if this is another nerf intended for Season 16 then the Recon Legend is certainly in trouble.

For more on Apex Legends, check out the leaks that suggest a Call of Duty-inspired Hardcore LTM is on its way and how to create and join Private Matches.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment