EG Demon1’s Valorant settings: Keybinds, crosshair, mouse settings & more

Nikhil Bahuguna
EG Demon1 playing Valorant

Max ‘Demon1’ Mazanov has emerged as one of the top Valorant pro players in 2023. If you wish to try out Demon1’s Valorant settings, here are all his in-game settings, including keybinds, mouse and monitor settings, crosshair, and more.

Evil Geniuses (EG) made a surprise addition to its Valorant roster by signing Demon1 at the start of 2023. Prior to this signing, Demon1 had no earnings as a Valorant pro. A former Unreal Tournament player, Demon1 was quick to make his impact felt in the Valorant scene.

EG secured the VCT 2023 trophy, with Demon1 setting a new record by getting over 100 kills in one of the matches. If you’re looking to get better and try out the settings of the VCT 2023 MVP, here are all of Demon1’s Valorant settings and more.

EG Demon1 in a Valorant match
Demon1 played a crucial role in EG’s rise to the top of Valorant’s competitive scene.

Demon1’s Valorant mouse settings: What mouse does Demon1 use?

MouseG-Wolves Hati-S Plus 4K
Scoped Sensitivity1
ADS Sensitivity1
Polling Rate (Hz)4000
Windows Sensitivity4
Raw Input BufferOn

Demon1’s Valorant crosshair

Demon1's crosshair in Valorant
Demon1’s crosshair in Valorant.

If you wish to import Demon1’s crosshair in Valorant quickly, you can use its code or copy all his crosshair settings from the table below.

Demon1 crosshair code: 0;s;1;P;o;1;d;1;m;1;0b;0;1b;0

Crosshair Color#ffffff
Outline Opacity1
Outline Thickness1
Center DotOn
Center Dot Opacity1
Center Dot Thickness2
Show Inner LinesOff
Movement ErrorOff
Firing ErrorOff
Show Outer LinesOff
Movement Error (Outer Lines)Off
Firing Error (Outer Lines)Off

Demon1’s Valorant keybinds

KeyboardWooting 60 HE
JumpSpace Bar/Mouse Wheel Down
Use ObjectF
Equip Primary Weapon1
Equip Secondary Weapon2
Equip Melee Weapon3
Equip Spike4
Use/Equip Ability: 1Q
Use/Equip Ability: 2E
Use/Equip Ability: 3C
Use/Equip Ability: UltimateX
Demon1 holding the VCT 2023 trophy
Demon1 was the MVP in VCT 2023.

Demon1’s monitor & Valorant video settings

MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
Aspect Ratio16:9
Aspect Ratio MethodLetterbox
Display ModeFullscreen
Multithreaded RenderingOn
Material QualityLow
Texture QualityLow
Detail QualityLow
UI QualityLow
Anti-AliasingMSAA 4x
Anisotropic Filtering4x
Improve ClarityOff
Experimental SharpeningOn
Cast ShadowsOff
Enemy Highlight ColorPurple (Tritanopia)

There you have it! These are all the settings you need to copy Demon1’s setup for Valorant. For more Valorant content, check out our guides below:

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