Resident Evil 4 players split over QTEs being completely removed in remake

New details about the Resident Evil 4 Remake have revealed that QTEs have been omitted from the game completely, and long-time fans are split on the gameplay change.
Even though it’s not a brand new game in the same vein as Resident Evil Village or the rumored Resident Evil 9 project, Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 Remake is hotly anticipated due to the legacy of the OG title.
Resident Evil 4 paved the way for future third-person shooters and seamlessly blended the horror and action genres into one. One of its reoccurring features that took place throughout though was the inclusion of QTEs AKA quick-time events.
QTEs are button prompts that would pop up during the middle of a cutscene and require the player to be quick on the draw or mash certain buttons. Failure would usually result in the instant death of a main character and force you to start over.
The prevalence of QTEs has been drastically reduced over the last decade or so of gaming, but their complete removal from the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake has received an indifferent response.
We learned about these details through Game Informer who said that amongst a litany of gameplay details, there would be: “No QTEs.”
Content creator ProReborn was in favor of the move saying: “Actually very impressed they took out QTEs. It was a crutch of game design for many years and it truly speaks to their commitment to modernize the game by removing such a dated design philosophy.”
The positivity didn’t stop there with another user adding: “No QTE is always the right call after 2010.”
Not everyone was delighted about the news though, one Twitter user thinks that the legendary fight against Krauser is now ruined: “No qte’s? So what, they just made the Krauser vs Leon knife fight scene just a cutscene? God, I already have a bad feeling.”
Whereas one tweet that got a ton of interactions simply said: “No QTE[s] is a big L…”
As with any changes between original content and an updated Remake, there is always going to be opposition from certain circles, and dedicated fans will have different opinions.
In any event, the Resident Evil 4 Remake is set to take players, old and new, on a terrifying adventure when it launches on March 24, 2023.