Pokemon Go players roast “stupid” Darumaka Research with useless reward

Lucas Simons
Angry Ash with Darumaka

A new year has begun, and Pokemon Go players are at it again. This time, the focus of their discomfort is none other than Darumaka and its New Year event Research. According to the community, they “changed one dancing imbecile for another, and they keep spamming it as a reward.”

Pokemon Go players constantly struggle with loads of content being dropped at them from all sides. And with the Timeless Travels season, the amount of new Pokemon to catch and Raids coming their way is slowly ramping up.

Still, many players believe that this past season has offered nothing but ‘filler,’ and most are also worried about Niantic’s recent statement about the game’s future. So, it is no surprise that trainers manifest their discontent when things like repetitive rewards or recycled content are constantly cycling through the game.

The source of the most recent short circuit between Pokemon Go players and the game comes from the End-Year Event and its Timed Research.

One of the angry players took it to Reddit to roast Niantic for this ‘lackluster’ event, which summarized the indignation of many of the members of the community.

Reddit user ‘MiniBoglin’ spoke to the community and said: “Catch 5 dancing imbeciles for your chance to catch a 6th dancing imbecile,” referring to the Research Encounter reward that the Event was offering. Many players quickly agreed with the OP’s post and hurried to offer their opinions.

One of them stated: “They changed one dancing imbecile for another, and they keep spamming it as a reward. Nefarious.” And another one answered: “I didn’t need a permanent mental image of an imbecile. Thanks, I hate it.”

Meanwhile, another Pokemon Go player said: “I see you’ve not met Hitmontop.” To what, the OP answered back: “Oh I’ve met the bastard. The sickening thing with Hitmontop is I still don’t have the shiny, so I’m forced to click it. At least I have this idiot’s shiny so I can leave it alone.”

User ‘International_Gap782’ also agreed with the OP and the rest of the angry players: “I don’t know why, but I hate this Pokémon.” In the meantime, another player further explained why Darumaka is receiving so much heat from the players: “At best, this content drop is lackluster. At worst, is plain idiocy from Niantic. It is Furfrou all over again?”

Be it that you are struggling to figure out what to do next with Pokemon Go or just playing chill, you might want to check out this guide on how to beat Buzzwole and this other one that offers some insight on how to defeat Pheromosa with ease.