Pokemon Go players concerned about cheaters “destroying” their communities

Lucas Simons
Officer Jenny Pokemon Anime

Members of the Pokemon Go community are concerned about a group of cheaters taking over their town, and preventing them from enjoying the game. Now they are asking for help.

Pokemon Go players are enjoying the World of Wonders season, even more so with so much new content being dropped on the latest events. Sadly, a recurrent issue has begun to sow concern among certain communities: Spoofers and multi-account users blocking trainers from accessing key features.

According to Pokemon trainers’ reports on the Pokemon Go Reddit subthreads, numerous Gym spammers are blocking others from accessing a Gym, even going as far as to block it for the entire day. “The Gym hogs in my area do this to me, I take the gym, they kick me out and just leave it empty,” explained one of the affected players.

Lately, the reports of spoofers and multi-account users are steadily increasing, especially in rural zones. User ‘Wisent96’ described a similar situation in their community, as two users with multiple accounts spam Gyms and block them permanently. According to the statements, this issue has been going on for a year now.

Niantic Anti Cheat Policy
Niantic’s code of conduct clearly states that Multi-Accounting is considered cheating.

Reports indicate that the alleged cheaters are doing this “24/7,” obstructing the rest of the players from enjoying a normal Pokemon Go experience. “We have areas where it’s the same player over and over again. It’s pretty obvious there are a ton of multi accouters out there. Even though it is against rules,” a concerned player said.

Niantic TOS clearly states that “playing with multiple accounts for the same Service” is considered an action that “alters or interferes with the Service,” AKA cheating.

If the problem remains unsolved, there’s a high chance that this community ends up making the hard choice of leaving Pokemon Go for good. As one of them stated: “Niantic doesn’t listen to us. We might need to make them listen by stopping playing forever.”

If you have noticed a similar problem in your community, you can ask for help on the appropriate channels which include Niantic Support X Account, or the Pokemon Go official page.

In the meantime, if you are looking for the next Pokemon Go activity to participate in, you can also check the current Raids Schedule, and all the upcoming Spotlight Hours for this month.