Pokemon Go launches new Raid lobby count feature

After the controversial Remote Raid Pass nerf, Niantic are trying to get Pokemon Go players to attend more in-person Raids and has launched a new lobby count feature with a mixed reception.
Amidst special events, Pokemon debuts, and many complaints from players, Pokemon Go added a new Raid feature that is rolling out worlwide. Developer Niantic didn’t make an official announcement yet, probably due to the inmense backlash any social media post is receiving since the Remote Raid Pass nerf.
The new Raid feature, however, was well received by most Pokemon Go players even though many think it’s arriving a little too late.
Pokemon Go added a Raid lobby count feature
Pokemon Go players can now see how many people are in a Raid lobby without the need to tap on the Gym. Trainers can check the Raid tab in the Nearby section to see if there are other players waiting in ongoing Raids. Players will see three gray dots under the ongoing Raid if the lobby is empty.
Alternatively, trainers can also see the player count on the general Map view of the game. If the lobby is empty, the Raid will look exactly the same as it did before this update. If there is at least one player waiting, the countdown is replaced with an icon. Of course, tapping on an ongoing Raid will also show the lobby count the same way it always did.
A player on the SilphRoad subreddit shared a screenshot that showcases the new feature in Pokemon Go.
After a lot of controversy surrounding changes to Remote Raid Passes, most players are praising this long overdue new feature saying it’s “Actually a good QOL update!”
Other players celebrating the news also think the feature is arriving too late. “That would have been amazingly useful with remote passes. Instead, it’s just a tease of what you can’t get to in under a minute to join”, stated one Reddit user. “I don’t need an indicator telling me that nobody is around”, another player added.
While the new feature improves the overall experience of Pokemon Go, many fans see it as a tiny win in a sea of bad decisions made by Niantic this year.
If you’re looking for more Pokemon Go content, you can check all the info on the Sustainability Week event, the upcoming Limited Research Day, or how to get Mythical Pokemon Shaymin.
Image Credits: Niantic / The Pokemon Company