How to beat Dondozo 7-Star Tera Raid in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

The mighty Dondozo is now headlining 7-Star Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet but defeating this bulky powerhouse is no easy task.
As one of the most challenging battles to date, choosing the right team of Pokemon is key to winning it without much effort.
So, here are the recommended counters to beat Water Tera Type Dondozo easily, including its weaknesses, battling strategies, and more.
Start date & time
The Dondozo Tera Raids are running in the Paldea region of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet until August 8, 2024, at 4:59 PM PT / 7:59 PM ET / 11:59 PM GMT / 12:59 AM BST (August 9).
It will have the Mightiest Mark and six perfect IVs, and you can only catch one of them per save file.
Best Dondozo 7-Star Tera Raid counters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Appletun’s 100 Special Attack stat and access to various moves make it the premier counter to beat Dondozo Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Apple Acid is its weapon of choice as it not only deals damage but also decreases Dondozo’s Special Defense by one stage. This makes the Raid Boss easier to take down.
Dondozo’s Physical attacks are normally a matter of concern but Appletun can handle that thanks to Iron Defense, which raises its Defense by two stages. That’s not all, as its Grass/Dragon type combination heavily resists Water-type attacks.
Grassy Terrain is a very useful move as it provides passive healing throughout the battle while also boosting the damage output of Apple Acid.
These three moves are all you need to take on Dondozo but for the fourth move, add Reflect. It halves the damage from Physical moves, helping both you and your teammates.

The sinister Cacturne can shrug off Dondozo’s powers with the various tricks it has up its sleeve. For starters, Water Absorb heals 25% of its max HP while taking zero damage from Water-type moves. With the Raid Boss having the Water Tera Type, this is an asset.
Then, Cacturne also helps its teammates by using Sunny Day to reduce damage from any Water-type moves. Coming to offensive moves, Nasty Plot sharply increases the Special Attack stat, helping moves like Giga Drain become more powerful. Remember that this move also restores HP.
Lastly, Spiky Shield prevents any damage from Physical attacks while also dealing 12% damage to the Raid Boss. This can come in clutch against Dondozo’s other moves.

While the other counters are great offensively and defensively, Victreebel takes on a supportive role with utmost efficiency as it can act like a wall to a rampaging Dondozo.
With setup moves, Dondozo can raise its Attack and Defense, making it tougher to beat. But, thanks to Victreebel’s Clear Smog, any such boost is nullified. Then, it can use the ever-reliable Acid Spray to lower Dondozo’s Defense.
Victreebel also has the classic Giga Drain to inflict damage and recover health, with this move doing more damage after using Acid Spray. Lastly, it can use Sleep Talk to attack Dondozo even when asleep.
Dondozo Tera Raid moveset
- Wave Crash (Water)
- Order Up (Dragon)
- Avalanche (Ice)
- Earthquake (Ground)
- Curse (Ghost)
- Yawn (Normal)
Due to the Water Tera Type, Dondozo will gain 2x STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) on its Water-type attacks so using counters that resist these attacks is crucial.
Also, this Raid Boss has a huge Defense stat of 115 backed with 150 HP. But, its Special Defense is only 65. So be sure to use only Special Attackers to beat it.
Where to find Dondozo Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
You can spot Dondozo Tera Raids by finding Black Crystals shining on the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet map. By going to these spots, you can take part in the 7-Star event.

Dondozo 7-Star Tera Raid rewards
- Herba Mystica
- TM046 (Avalanche)
- Water Tera Shard
- Quiet Mint
- Bottle Cap
- Ability Capsule
- Ability Patch
- Exp. Candy L
- Exp. Candy XL
- Rare Candy
- Calcium
- PP Up
- Star Piece
- Comet Shard
- Nugget

Remember that you can use these items to build battle-ready Pokemon or sell them at in-game stores.
On returning to Paldea for the 7-Star event, don’t forget to check out how to farm Herba Mystica and use them in sandwich recipes to enjoy higher shiny chances in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.