How to transfer Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2: Account merging guide

While Overwatch 2 is a sequel to the original game, players’ hard-earned cosmetics carry over. But you’ll need to ensure your accounts are merged if you want to transfer your Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2, so here’s how to merge your accounts.
The highly anticipated sequel to Blizzard’s hero shooter, Overwatch, is finally here. Although a sequel, Overwatch 2 can be considered a continuation of the original, bringing maps, modes, weapons, and heroes from the original game.
While Overwatch has moved to pastures new, players can actually take everything they’ve earned to Overwatch 2. If you’re on console there are a couple of steps you’ll need to complete to transfer all of your skins and progression over.
Whether you’re on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, or PC, here’s how to merge your accounts and transfer your Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2.
How to transfer Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2 on Xbox & PlayStation
To transfer their Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2, Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch players will need to merge their console account with a account.
Unlike the original game, Overwatch 2 requires players to create a account where all of their progression and cosmetics will exist on one cross-platform account. So if you’ve bought skins on different platforms, they’ll all transfer over to Overwatch 2.
You can only merge one account per platform, so double-check that you’re linking the right account before proceeding with the steps below.
Here’s how to merge your console account with
- Head to and navigate to the Connections page
- Log in to if you haven’t already
- Select Connect beside the account you wish to merge (e.g PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo)
- Follow the link to the PlayStation sign-in page, and log in with the account you wish to merge
- Once connected, launch Overwatch 2
- Click Continue on the ‘Cross Progression is here’ screen
- Hold either X or A to confirm your account merge
- Overwatch 2 will tell you that “your account is in queue to be merged” so simply wait, and all of your Overwatch skins and cosmetics will soon arrive

How to transfer Overwatch skins to Overwatch 2 on PC
Fortunately, if you’re an Overwatch PC player, you don’t need to merge accounts ahead of Overwatch 2 as you’re already playing through a account.
Simply launch Overwatch 2 and everything you’ve earned or purchased in the original game will already be in your account.
For more, be sure to check out how how to claim the free Overwatch 2 Cursed Captain Reaper Legendary skin, as well as everything we know about the Wrath of the Bride Halloween event.
Image Credit: Blizzard