Infinity Ward responds to fan outrage over Modern Warfare Survival Mode exclusivity

On September 24, Activision and PlayStation announced a new level to their agreement and partnership that involved exclusivity for one year.
The companies announced that the Survival Mode, which is part of the Special Ops mode, will be available exclusively on PlayStation 4 for one year before launching on other platforms.
Infinity Ward’s Senior CM has clarified on Reddit that the entire Special Ops mode, minus Survival, will be on all platforms on October 25. The studio also said that Special Ops mode will be revealed on Tuesday, October 8.
Infinity Ward says that Survival is an “additional, classic mode” that is on PS4.
Lots of discussion and reactions to yesterday’s news about Special Ops. We know you have questions and we want to clarify. To be clear, our all-new Special Ops mode will be releasing on all platforms on October 25th. We’re looking forward to revealing Special Ops on October 8th. When we launch on October 25th, everyone on all platforms will be getting Modern Warfare which includes Campaign, the all-new Special Ops mode and the entirety of Multiplayer, which is a massive experience we’ve worked to create. Special Ops Survival is an additional, classic mode that will be available on PS4.
Infinity Ward says that they “hear” the fans reaction to not being able to play the Survival mode on all platforms as they’ve worked hard to make “the entire experience better for all of the Call of Duty community.”
The studio also reiterated that all post launch content will be coming to all platforms at the same time.
We have made many changes this year with the goal to make the entire experience better for all of the Call of Duty community, including no season pass, crossplay across all platforms, and that all post-release maps and modes will be coming to all platforms at the same time. We understand that some may still be disappointed to not be able to play classic Special Ops Survival day one, we hear you. Please know that we are working hard to make sure this is the best Call of Duty we’ve ever made and the best experience possible for fans.
SOURCE: Reddit