Infinity Ward devs says people have sent him death threats on Reddit

Infinity Ward developer has stated on Reddit that he has been receiving Private Messages on Reddits that are death threats about how people want to hurt his children.
Joe Cecot posted on Reddit when a fan said thank you for continuing to work on the game saying the studio is hard at work on bringing updates to the game. He said that he’d prefer “less PMs about his children dying horrible deaths.”
It can be rough. I’d prefer less PMs about my children dying horrible deaths. Spending less time here. Thanks for the thanks. We’re still working crazy hard!
He also notes that he has been spending a lot less time on Reddit because of the threats and harassments, which makes sense. No need to be harassed constantly versus getting real criticism. Cecot is not the first Infinity Ward dev to be harassed. The studio’s Senior CM has tweeted out that she is not going to take harassment and will just ignore those who do.
This is not the first time in Call of Duty that developers have received death threats. Vahn, Treyarch’s Studio Design Director, has received an abundant of death threats over the years from some insane people in this community – especially back in Black Ops 2 when he changed the snipers in that game at the time.
Sending constructive criticism is totally fine, and actually helps the developers make positive changes to the game. Sending death threats is insane and immature.