Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Ground War mode is set in a huge map with vehicles, 64+ players

Keshav Bhat

GameInformer has just started their exclusive coverage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, as the game is their cover story for this month. GameInformer has released their Cover Story of when they visited Infinity Ward, which has just some new details on the MP experience in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The cover story reveals that GameInformer had a chance to actually play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Ground War mode at the Infinity Ward Studio. GameInformer says that the mode version they played was 64 players, but Activision has since said in a press release that the mode supports more than 100 players.

GameInformer describes this mode similar to that of large-scale Battlefield style maps. The mode for this large map is Domination, 5-Flag capture style similar to that of the 20v20 mode.

GameInformer says that the map has “lots of open space, high sight-lines from key landmarks, and areas with sparse cover.”

The mode features many landmarks across the map and smaller corridors for combat. The map features vehicles, choppers, and more and is set in a downtown of a city with skyscrapers and even banks in the area. GameInformer says in the match they played “choppers fly by, smashing into buildings as whorls of infantry scatter and merge from cover on the streets below.”

Choppers whiz by above while players spawn into secured locations and even APCs on the move, planning their next cap point. Cover is everywhere in the side alleys and between buildings, but watch yourself carefully if you’re planning to trek the spacious roads, as they provide little protection and can turn into everything from small scale-skirmishes on the fly around upturned cars to sniper massacres. You’re incredibly exposed in these areas, so judicious use of smoke, fast movement from cover to cover, and working as incursion teams are all critical to success if you plan to spend any time on these expanses of concrete.

From mini-assaults into areas between towering buildings to huge team assaults on the bank, there’s a ton going on in Ground War and death comes swift as ever – there are no fixed classes like support or assault, instead, you can bring in any loadout that you can conjure up from any of the other standard multiplayer modes and change it as needed during the course of a war.

Ground War mode will deliver an epic scale of combat for the very first time in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

GameInformer’s Cover Story is available as part of their magazine here.

SOURCE: GameInformer