Palworld max level: Player & Pal level cap explained

Nikhil Bahuguna
Player riding a Pal in Palworld

Palworld is still taking the world by storm with millions of players creating new worlds to begin their journey. Knowing about the maximum level you can get in Palworld is essential as you progress, so here’s all you need to know about your character, Pal, base level caps, and more.

Palworld is here, and since its release, it has remained the most-played game on Steam, with millions of players worldwide catching Pals, mining resources, and creating their very own bases. While a majority of the players are busy trying to create a team of the strongest Pals, few players are discovering and using tricks to capture any boss.

Of course, progressing in the game means leveling up and using the skill points to boost your stats, along with unlocking your crafting skill tree.

So, if you’re wondering about the highest level you can get in Palworld, for both your character and Pals, here’s all you need to know.

Player riding a Pal in Palworld
Catching Pals and completing quests gives you XP in Palworld.

What is the Palworld max level?

The max level cap in Early Access for Palworld is Level 50, and it will be the same for both your Player and Pals’ levels.

Many in the community are already above Level 30 or 40, so we can expect Pocket Pair to increase the maximum level cap in Palworld significantly at the time of full release.

Best ways to level up fast in Palworld

Here are some of the best ways to gain XP and reach Level 50 fast in Palworld:

  • Create your world and use the World Settings to max out your EXP Rate (rate with which you earn experience)
  • Catch a ton of Pals
  • Complete the quests on your game’s screen
  • Defeat Tower bosses

What is the Palworld max base level?

Bases in Palworld can reach Level 20 only as opposed to Level 50 for characters and Pals. Building a base in an ideal location is one of the most important steps for your survival and productivity in Palworld, and you can level it up to 20 by upgrading its size, facilities, and more.

Once you hit Level 20 for your base, you can craft new items along with additional bases.

Palworld's Lamball
Gathering ingredients is key to survival in Palworld.

Level Sync in Palworld explained

Palworld has a system called Level Sync that ensures that the levels of the Pals you catch aren’t above your character’s level. For instance, if you’re at Level 12 and you catch a Level 20 Pal, then Level Sync will decrease this Pal’s stats according to your current Player level.

So, you can fight and capture high-level Pals along your journey but once they are in your party, they will scale back to your character’s level.

That’s all you need to know about the maximum level possible in Palworld. For more content on the game, be sure to give these a look:

How to make an Ore farm in Palworld | How to get Pure Quartz in Palworld | Every Fusion Pal in Palworld: All breeding combinations | How many bases can you have in Palworld? | Where to find Lunaris in Palworld | How to get & farm Ore in Palworld | How to get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld | Is Palworld crossplay?

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About The Author

Nikhil is a games writer who focuses on FPS titles like Call of Duty, Valorant, Counter-Strike and more. In his free time, you can find Nikhil setting a red carpet in Valorant. You can contact Nikhil at [email protected]