How to fix Content Warning mic issues & hear your friends

Emily Stander
CAPTCHA monster Content Warning

Content Warning still has a few bugs to work out, and one of them causes you to stop hearing your friends. Here is how to fix the Content Warning audio bug. 

Content Warning is based entirely on teamplay and running away from monsters, so when the audio stops working, it can be a major problem. 

The in-game voice chat is really useful (when it’s working) for warning your teammates of any entities and creepy things that are possibly sneaking up behind them, so, if you are struggling with this bug, here is how to fix it. 

How to fix mic not working in Content Warning

You can fix your mic not working in Content Warning by checking you have the right audio input and changing your voice chat mode. If this doesn’t work, there are also some other fixes you can try

Settings in Content Warning
You can tweak your audio settings to work around the bug.

Here are a few tips for fixing the audio bug in Content Warning: 

Restart the lobby 

Giving the server a refresh may help if you’re experiencing audio issues. It’s a quick and easy way to see if it fixes itself, but if this doesn’t work, there are some settings you can play around with to help the issue. 

Make sure you have the correct audio input

When you launch Content Warning, your audio input will be automatically selected in your options. It’s a good idea to just double-check if this option is correct, because it may have selected the incorrect mic. 

To change your audio input: 

  1. Go to settings
  2. Navigate to the audio tab
  3. Expand the ‘microphone’ section and select the correct microphone audio input.

Change the voice chat mode 

If you have the correct mic selected and you’re still experiencing issues, you can try changing the voice chat mode to voice detection instead of push-to-talk. 

You can do so by navigating to the audio tab again and expanding the voice chat mode option. 

Increase voice volume

The last setting you can try to tweak is the voice volume setting. If your microphone is correct and voice chat is on voice detection, just double-check that your friends’ volumes are not too low for you to hear. 

Once again in the audio tab in settings, slide the Master Volume slider up until you are able to hear your teammates clearly. 

Verify your game files

If you have changed all your settings and it’s still not working, then the issue is not likely on your side. In this case, you can try and verify your game files to work out any major issues and see if that helps the audio bug. 

Steam settings Content Warning
Verify your game files under Installed Files on Steam.

To verify game files on Steam: 

  1. Right click on the game in your library. 
  2. Select Properties
  3. Navigate to the Installed Files tab on the left. 
  4. Click ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files.’ 

This process can take a little bit, especially if any issues are found, but once it’s done you can log back into your game and check if the audio is working again. 

Use other apps

If you’ve gone through all of these steps and nothing has worked, you can always use a different app like Discord to chat with your friends. It’s not ideal, but it’ll work in the meantime until the bug works itself out. 

That’s everything to know about fixing the audio bug in Content Warning. If you want to know more about the game, check out our guides below.

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