How to change appearance in Dragon’s Dogma 2: Character & Main Pawn

As we’re sure you’re aware, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s character creator is very robust, allowing you to mold a person of your exact liking. But, what if you get tired of seeing that face? Well, there is a method to change your appearance in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
If you are one of those people who get bored of your in-game appearance very easily, or simply fancy a switch-up to keep things fresh, you can also change this in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Your Main Pawn can also go through a transformation too if you wish, allowing for even more customization, and creating the perfect double team.
You can choose to create a new character from scratch but this requires way more steps so knowing exactly how to change appearance is key. Read on for all you need to know about changing your character’s appearance in DD2.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to change character & Main Pawn appearance
To change your appearance in Dragon’s Dogma 2, whether that be for your character or your Main Pawn, you’ll need to go to a Barberie. These are highlighted well on your map with the scissors icon, so you can’t miss them.

Once you’re inside the Barberie, you’re able to use your gold to change hairstyles, makeup, and any markings, so ensure you have enough to switch things up.
However, if you want to fully change up your look, you’ll need a certain item – an Art of Metamorphosis book. Once you have one of these within the Barberie, you will have the option to “Modify Appearance”.
How to get Art of Metamorphosis book in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you haven’t come across any Art of Metamorphosis books in your playthrough, you can purchase these from a Grand Riftstone of Vermund merchant called Neomith. It will cost you 500 RC so keep that in mind before making your way over there.
Neomith does have a limited stock of these so don’t think you’ll be able to spam changing your appearance, you’ll have to be selective and make sure you’re happy before consuming the book.
If you’re struggling in other areas of Dragon’s Dogma 2, here are some of our other handy guides:
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