Where to find all the Fortnite Alien Artifacts locations: Week 9

Season 7 of Fortnite is here for players to enjoy, and one of the new activities players can do is collect Alien Artifacts. Here are all of the Fortnite Alien Artifacts locations you can currently find.
The arrival of the Fortnite Season 7 update has brought various new things for players to experience. From a new battle pass that includes the likes of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty to a ray gun and UFOs, there is a great deal for the community to go through.
One of the new activities that players can undertake in Season 7 is collecting Fortnite Alien Artifacts to customize the new Kymera Battle Pass skin. However, you will need all of the Alien Artifacts you can get your hands on to unlock all of the customizable options for Kymera.
With this in mind, we have gathered together all of the currently known Fortnite Alien Artifacts locations for you so that you go and secure some of these new items.

These Fortnite Alien Artifacts locations appear at set areas across the new Season 7 map weekly, so each new week will have new areas for you to go and find these new items to use towards customizing Kymera.
Fortnite Alien Artifacts Locations
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

We will continue to update this piece with the Alien Artifacts locations of future weeks, so be sure to come back and check Charlie INTEL whenever you are looking for the new areas you should be looking for these items to customize Kymera.
- Read More: How to get Batman skins in Fortnite
Kymera has a wide range of cosmetic unlocks available, so players will need to make sure they are collecting all of the Fortnite Alien Artifacts each week if they want to unlock all of the customizable options for this Season 7 Battle Pass skin before the end of this season.
For more Fortnite, check out where you can find all of the cosmic chests or how to use the new Battle Stars, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credits: Epic Games/HYPEX/XTigerHyperX