Diablo 4 status effect is so broken players think it’s bugged

Poison is a powerful status effect in Diablo 4 that a lot of mobs and bosses use to take you down, but it’s been so strong in Season 5 that some players think it’s bugged.
The mechanic being overpowered is not a new complaint, but the problem right now is that players are being killed by pools of poison that aren’t properly visible. Even when they use healing potions to combat it, they’re still bring killed. The damage over time is just too high.
This is especially problematic since most players have been experiencing these issues in Nightmare Dungeons and endgame activities, which is what you need to run to get higher-level gear.
It’s a status effect that can be frustrating, especially when you run out or don’t manage to get to your healing in time. It’s been so bad in Season 5 that one player got killed by poison straight after respawning, having died from it the first time.
‘Juicerhebatman’ shared a video on Reddit where they died from being poisoned, and when they respawned, they died immediately again because the effect had not stopped.
One of the best ways to deal with poison is to use an Elixir of Poison Resistance or wear items that increase your DoT and poison resistance like Andariel’s Visage and Hunter’s Zenith. It can be difficult to get these items, though, and players have been struggling against poison even with these solutions.
“It happened to me too many times in Sirocco Caverns and Guulrahn Canals run. Also poison seem to be damaging way too high with respect to other elements. I am facerolling everything except poison mobs with full res and armor,” one player shared.
Since this has been going on since Diablo 4’s release, players believe that it’s either overturned or a bug that’s been flying under the dev’s radar. Either way, there’s a particular exasperation about it among the community that has reached its peak this season.
“Poison damage seems to be bugged or overpowered since release, honestly. The moment something poisonous touches you in high difficulty content, the game starts freaking out,” another player said.
If you’re experiencing the same issue, the best course of action is to make sure you have the best build for the character you’re playing this season. There are a lot of tough fights even without poison, and preparation is always key to getting through endgame activities.