Valve make CSGO playable again under CS2 beta tab

Franco Diaz
Terrorist characters CSGO

Valve have listened to community feedback and decided to make a version of CSGO playable again, but this time as a new Counter-Strike 2 beta option. Here’s everything you need to know in order to play CSGO’s Legacy Version.

Since late September 2023, players from around the world have been able to play the new Counter-Strike 2 in all its game modes, including Competitive, Premier, and Wingman. However, many dedicated players of the Valve franchise have not enjoyed the experience, claiming that the game has many errors and is poorly optimized.

Counter-Strike 2 was released as a new update to the previous CSGO, causing the previous game to disappear from your Steam library once updated and changed to CS2. This also generated a lot of controversy among fans who would have liked to continue playing CSGO until the developers fix all the issues with the new game.

The relentless community demand led Valve to re-release CSGO, but this time as a beta option for CS2 making CSGO playable once again.

Valve introduce CSGO Legacy Version

In response to player complaints about not being able to play CSGO, Valve decided to make this version of Counter-Strike available again.

However, players should not search for the title in the Steam store because this version of Counter-Strike Global Offensive, called Legacy Version of CSGO, has been introduced as a new beta option within Counter-Strike 2.

This means that players who want to play CSGO again will need to change the launch parameters of Counter-Strike 2 and in the ‘Betas’ tab change the ‘None’ option to the ‘CSGO_Legacy’ one, as shown in the Reddit post made by players.

It’s important to note that this CSGO Legacy Version is a frozen update of CSGO before the CS2 update. As the official matchmaking is not available on the CSGO Legacy Version update, players will only have access to all casual game modes like Danger Zone, War Games, etc.

Finally, according to the Steam Support page, CSGO while not receiving maintenance, will be supported by Steam until January 1, 2024. After this date, “the game will still be available, but certain functionality that relies on compatibility with the Game Coordinator (e.g., access to inventory) may degrade and/or fail.”

For more about Counter-Strike 2, you can check out how to play custom maps or the PC requirements for playing optimally.

About The Author

Franco is a CharlieIntel Writer who plays lots of FPS and sports games. After graduating in Sports Journalism in Argentina, Franco freelanced in esports journalism covering main tournaments of CS:GO, VALORANT and League of Legends. Franco joined CharlieIntel in June 2023 and you can contact him at [email protected].