CS2 players let down by “underwhelming” Counter-Strike 2 launch: “They cut half the game”

Franco Diaz
Inferno Counter-Strike 2

The Counter-Strike community was disappointed to see the final results that Valve presented with the release of Counter-Strike 2. The absence of multiple game modes in CS2 led to players claiming “the game is not finished.”

Valve have released the highly anticipated Counter-Strike 2 with the famous Source 2 engine and many new features that have caught the attention of the most loyal fans of the Counter-Strike franchise. However, the reception it has received in the community has not been what the devs expected.

After playing for hours, many players were disappointed that the new Counter-Strike 2 did not meet all the expectations of a new game. Content creator Anomaly expressed their own concerns in a video, listing the shortcomings of this new Valve release and stating that the launch “was pretty bad.”

Furthermore, the YouTuber highlights that not only did they not add new content to CS2, but they also left in content related to the Paris 2023 Major, a tournament that started and ended in May 2023.

CS2 community surprised with Valve “cutting half” the game

In addition to Anomaly’s posts, the community also made their voices heard on Reddit. Users were surprised to notice that in CS2, not all Wingman maps are available, they removed the unranked competitive mode, arms race, war games, Danger Zone, and many more game modes.

Another significant change that few have noticed but has hit the community hard is the fact that all of CSGO’s achievements have been removed and replaced by a single logo called “A New Beginning.” Thousands of angry fans complained that they “worked hard to earn them.”

Since its release, Valve’s shooter has received over 20,000 positive community reviews on Steam, while the negative ones are almost reaching 9,000 comments. While the trend is mostly positive, having nearly 33% of the community frustrated with the game can be devastating if the developers do not implement the necessary changes.

For more about the new CS2, check out how you can bind and jump throw nades or the best commands in the game.

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About The Author

Franco is a CharlieIntel Writer who plays lots of FPS and sports games. After graduating in Sports Journalism in Argentina, Franco freelanced in esports journalism covering main tournaments of CS:GO, VALORANT and League of Legends. Franco joined CharlieIntel in June 2023 and you can contact him at [email protected].