Warzone players call out aim assist working as “free wallhack”

Max Candelarezi
Operator holding LMG

Aim assist in Warzone has been a hot topic since its launch, sparking an endless discussion between controller and M&K players. However, a clip on Reddit reignited the debate with many calling out aim assist working as a “free wallhack” within Warzone.

The debate surrounding aim assist inevitably resurfaces whenever a new Warzone chapter is launched, and Urzikstan was no exception. This controversy revolves around players using a controller versus mouse and keyboard when playing Warzone.

Despite the substantial content additions and long-awaited changes introduced to the game, a video shared on Reddit reignited the debate surrounding the strength of aim assist, with OP ‘coone90’ labeling it as a “free wallhack.”

The video shows popular Warzone streamer Fifakill positioning the crosshair across the building, successfully activating a “full rotational aim assist through the wall.” Shortly after, he was amazed when confirming the presence of an enemy behind that wall.

“Not new that AA can track through some walls,” a player expressed in the comments. Then, another user responded: “It’s not just that it’s tracking. This is telling the player they are looking at someone through a wall… Literally giving controller players what amounts to a wallhack.”

Complaints about the strength of aim assist have been recurring, especially from M&K players, who feel that console players get a huge advantage, “Why would anyone ever play MnK in this game? The amount of advantages on controller is just laughable at this point,” another user added.

While certain players remain optimistic about the devs adjusting how aim assist works in Warzone, others have chosen a different approach by avoiding the issue and moving on: “It will never get nerfed I just quit to save my sanity…”

For more on Warzone, be sure to check out why players are frustrated by Urzikstan’s Gulag or the “insane” Urzikstan loot cache landing spots to get high-tier loot.

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About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].