Treyarch says they were “stunned” by fan reaction to Black Ops 3 Twitter marketing campaign

Keshav Bhat

A couple of weeks ago, Activision and Treyarch redesigned the Call of Duty Twitter to become a Breaking News Agg. account to hype the campaign mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. They were teasing events that take place within the fiction of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. But that marketing campaign back fired. Many press sites called Activision out for the ploy, saying their tweets and look of the account could trick people into believing what they posted was real. 

Treyarch, speaking to IGN, said they were stunned by fan reaction to it. They didn’t expect people to take it as a serious-news related thing.

 “Here’s my view – and again, I’m a simple director and not involved in the marketing at all,” he began by stressing. “However, it was absolutely not done for any kind of attention in any way. It was not done maliciously, or as any kind of scare tactic. I personally am very sorry for anyone who looked at it and got the wrong idea because it genuinely wasn’t meant that way.

“It was done on our channel, and it was to talk about the fiction of the world. I think we were as shocked as everybody else when it started blowing up, because essentially we were teeing up ready for a story beat. So again, very sorry for anyone who took it that way. It wasn’t meant that way at all – it was supposed to just be getting ready for a campaign element.”