Warzone cheaters shamelessly flex highly requested Cold War Zombies camos

Verdansk is currently being overrun by hackers sporting unreleased Black Ops Cold War Zombies Dark Aether camos in Warzone Season 4.
It was said by the devs that eventually Cold War’s Zombies camos would come to Call of Duty: Warzone at some point. It’s been quite a long time since the game’s release and none of its skins have turned up in Verdansk yet.
Thanks to the growing power of hackers in Warzone though, they have now arrived in unceremonious fashion. One Twitch user, and even JGOD, have provided evidence of the new Zombies camos running riot in Warzone.

The Twitch streamer goes by the name of Repullze, and they were mid-game with several buddies when they spectated the unusual happenings.
An enemy hacker was running around the map blindly firing with their gun to let the cheat do its usual thing.
But the oddity that was picked up on quite quickly was the skin that the weapon was sporting a DM Ultra Zombie camo that you simply cannot find in Warzone Season 4.
The clip, and stream, caught the attention of popular Call of Duty personality JGOD. He Tweeted out a picture of Repullze’s stream showing further evidence of the hacks.
The camo was different from the Twitch clip as it was now encrusted with diamonds, as was now clearly coated in the “Plague Diamond” Zombies camo.
Warzone continues to be a game played by thousands of players every single day, but there’s no doubt that the morale of the community is at an all-time low.
Lately, the game has been subjected to a God Mode hack, weird glitches allowing players to see through walls, and hackers even using their own custom skins in-game.
Between hacks, cheating, and glitches, Warzone Season 4 is proven to be a decidedly mixed experience.
Image Credit: Activision / Raven Software