How to get Kyubi Kitsune skin in Warzone & Cold War Season 5

With Season 5 on the way, Warzone and Black Ops Cold War players may be wondering how to get the Kyubi skin for the Kitsune Operator.
Although Season 5 has been delayed, pushing its release back to August 13, players will still be able to get their hands on some new items for the upcoming battle pass.
With a limited-time offer, players can get their hands on a new skin for the popular Kitsune operator just as the new season drops.

Since Call of Duty dropped the patch notes for Season 5, players have been able to get a glimpse at what will be available in both Warzone and Cold War.
From a new Zombies experience to some changes to weapons, players are excited to get some new content for both games.
As well as all this, players can also get the new Kyubi Kitsune skin for the new operator when Season 5 drops with one simple step.
How to get the Kyubi Kitsune skin in Warzone and Cold War

Those who want to get the job done right in Double Agent, other Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer modes and Zombies, or within Warzone will want to consider picking up a particular version of the Battle Pass early.
Players who purchase the Season 5 Battle Pass Bundle before August 31 will automatically get this Legendary Operator Kyubi Kitsune skin for the new Season 5 Operator in Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops Cold War. You will not get this skin if you get the base version of the pass.
This Kyubi Kitsune Skin can only be obtained for a limited time, meaning early adopters of the Battle Pass Bundle will get the opportunity to show off a truly Legendary Operator Skin through Season Five and beyond.
So, that’s how you can get your hands on the limited Kyubi Kitsune skin, so make sure you purchase the battle pass bundle as soon as it drops if you’re interested.
For more on Warzone and Black Ops Cold War, check out our article on how to download the Overwolf Warzone tracker.
Image Credits: Activision / Raven Software / Treyarch