Clever Precision Airstrike trick takes out tower campers in Warzone

Liam Mackay

There’s nothing more frustrating than a camper sitting on a high tower in Call of Duty: Warzone, but this clever trick will make the Precision Airstrike all the more lethal.

By their very nature, battle royale games are campy. Players will happily sit in a room aiming at the door all game if it means securing the win. Warzone’s Verdansk map has plenty places for these players to go, with high buildings often being the most common. The Downtown area is rife with rooftop campers, but a Precision Airstrike or Cluster will usually clear them out.

However, these high-ground campers are safe in the ATC tower above the Airport runway. The area around the tower is extremely open, and the players above can get on a nasty head glitch.

With the only way up being by a zipline or a helicopter, they are almost impossible to push. To make matters worse, they are completely safe from Airstrikes and Clusters. At least, until now.

A clever Reddit user by the name of Rxelik_ discovered a cool trick to hit these campers with a Precision Airstrike.

How to airstrike Warzone ATC tower campers

As any ‘good’ Airport ATC tower camper knows, a Precision Airstrike won’t be able to hit you when you’re inside, it will most likely batter off the roof instead.

What Rxelic_ discovered was that if you aim the airstrike at about half way up the tower, the missiles will land exactly inside the control room.

As our player does here, knocking someone with a sniper rifle is a great way to start the airstrike. Expecting the rockets to hit the roof as usual, the players inside will most likely stick the revive.

If you plan with a teammate, you can wait at the bottom of the tower and once the airstrike has knocked the enemies inside, you can take the zip up to them for an easy squad wipe.

Seeing these pesky players get taken out through a clever trick is extremely satisfying, and if more players learn this trick, perhaps the Verdansk Airport runway will be safe to cross. That’s unlikely, though.

Image Credit: Activision